Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2021 - 2024 Practical application of diagnostic method for pesticide poisoning by skin volatile substance analysis
2017 - 2020 The development of quick diagnostic procedure, the therapy and application to infection control for drug resistant bacteria
2014 - 2017 Development of the diagnostic method for detection of multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii using efflux pumps as a target, and its application to infection control
2013 - 2016 Development of bacterial identification methods by volatile material analysis
2011 - 2013 The elucidation of the acquisition of resistance mechanism in multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and application to simple diagnosis system and infection control
2008 - 2010 多剤耐性緑膿菌の発生進展メカニズムの解明と検査診断、感染制御への応用
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Papers (104):
Masamichi OGURA, Satomi ASAI, Kazuo UMEZAWA, Toshio OHSHIMA, Toshiki KAJIHARA, Koji YAHARA, Motoyuki SUGAI. Detection of Antimicrobial-Resistant Organisms (AMROs) and Related Factors for AMROs Colonization in Long-term Care Facilities. Japanese Journal of Infection Prevention and Control. 2023. 38. 5. 229-234
Satomi Asai, Kyoko Hayashi, Haruyo Atsumi, Mika Doi, Hidehumi Kakizoe, Kazuo Umezawa, Akihumi Hisada, Tsukasa Nozaki, Akiko Kanno, Satoko Komatsu, et al. Immune and allergenic effects of the microalga Coccomyxa sp. strain KJ in healthy humans: A pilot study. Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine. 2023. 33. 3
Yoshika Sekine, Shiori Uchiyama, Michihito Todaka, Yohei Sakai, Ryo Sakiyama, Hiroshi Ochi, Maho Muramatsu, Satomi Asai, Kazuo Umezawa. Influence of Ingestion of Lactulose on γ-Lactones Emanating from Human Skin Surface. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 2023. 13. 6
渥美 治世, 浅井 さとみ, 高梨 昇, 山田 真弓, 土井 美果, 橋本 昌宜, 石本 人士, 宮地 勇人. 出生前診断検査としての産科超音波検査の情報管理について-Information Management of Obstetric Ultrasonography Examination for the Prenatal Screening and Diagnosis. 日本臨床検査医学会誌 = The journal of Japanese Society of Laboratory Medicine. 2023. 71. 3. 121-125