J-GLOBAL ID:202201012944288065
Update date: Jul. 04, 2024 Fujiwara Megumi
フジワラ メグミ | Fujiwara Megumi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Assistant Professor
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): - 2018 - 2022 XORのC末端領域は、血管内皮障害をもたらすXORの活性変換のトリガーとなるか
Papers (18): -
Megumi Fujiwara, Nana Sato, Ken Okamoto. Hypoxanthine Reduces Radiation Damage in Vascular Endothelial Cells and Mouse Skin by Enhancing ATP Production via the Salvage Pathway. Radiation research. 2022. 197. 6. 583-593
Takashi Tani, Megumi Fujiwara, Hideo Orimo, Akira Shimizu, Sonoko Narisawa, Anthony B Pinkerton, José Luis Millán, Shuichi Tsuruoka. Inhibition of tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase protects against medial arterial calcification and improves survival probability in the CKD-MBD mouse model. The Journal of pathology. 2020. 250. 1. 30-41
Takashi Tani, Ken Okamoto, Megumi Fujiwara, Akira Katayama, Shuichi Tsuruoka. Metabolomics analysis elucidates unique influences on purine / pyrimidine metabolism by xanthine oxidoreductase inhibitors in a rat model of renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass.). 2019. 25. 1. 40-40
Megumi Fujiwara, Nobuko Mori, Touko Sato, Hiroyuki Tazaki, Shingo Ishikawa, Ichiro Yamamoto, Toshiro Arai. Changes in fatty acid composition in tissue and serum of obese cats fed a high fat diet. BMC veterinary research. 2015. 11. 200-200
Nobuko Mori, Gebin Li, Megumi Fujiwara, Shingo Ishikawa, Koh Kawasumi, Ichiro Yamamoto, Toshiro Arai. Lipotoxicity observed at the early phase of obesity in cats fed on high-fat diet. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 2014. 9. 2. 134-143
more... MISC (19): -
谷 崇, 藤原 めぐみ, 片山 映, 岡本 研, 鶴岡 秀一. XOR阻害薬が虚血再灌流障害に与える代謝変動のメタボローム解析. 日本腎臓学会誌. 2017. 59. 3. 374-374
鈴木 友子, 川角 浩, 藤原 めぐみ. 犬のメタボリックシンドロームの新しい判定基準-New Criteria for Canine Metabolic Syndrome. 予防動物医学 = Japanese journal of prophylactic veterinary medicine. 2013. 5. 1. 23-27
森 伸子, 藤原 めぐみ, 新井 敏郎. 犬および猫のメタボリックシンドロームとその早期診断法-Studies on Metabolic Syndrome and Its Diagnosis in Dogs and Cats. 予防動物医学 = Japanese journal of prophylactic veterinary medicine. 2013. 5. 1. 1-12
FUJIWARA Megumi, MIZUNO Takeshi, MIZUKOSHI Takahiro, SHINODA Asako, UCHIDA Shuhei, SAWADA Tamotsu, TAKEUCHI Junichiro, MIZUNO Masashi, HARADA Kayoko, KASUYA Arane, et al. The Effect of Antithrombotic Treatment of Dalteparin after Mitral Valve Repair under Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Dogs. Advances in Animal Cardiology. 2013. 46. 1. 1-7
武光 浩史, 山本 一郎, 森 伸子, 藤原 めぐみ, 李 格賓, 石川 真悟, 新井 敏郎. 遺伝子導入法を用いたイヌ骨髄由来間葉系幹細胞からインスリン産生細胞作成の試み. 予防動物医学. 2012. 4. 2. 43-50
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