J-GLOBAL ID:202201016955615020
Update date: Apr. 16, 2024 Ishikawa Shingo
イシカワ シンゴ | Ishikawa Shingo
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (3):
, Zoological sciences
, Veterinary medicine
Research keywords (6):
, equine mesenchymal stem cell
, innate immunology
, Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex
, macrophage
, immunology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2019 - 2022 Elucidation of innate immune memory mechanism in cattle and examination of innovative respiratory disease prevention method
- 2016 - 2019 Banking of dental pulp stem cells for the development of transplantation medicine in horses
- 2016 - 2019 A study about osteochondral regeneration using equine synovial membrane-derived mesenchymal stem cells.
Papers (29): -
Shingo Ishikawa, Masataka Miyazawa, Yoshinori Zibiki, Rie Kamikakimoto, Seiji Hobo. Flow cytometric analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid immune dynamics in calves. The Journal of veterinary medical science. 2022. 84. 4. 548-557
Tetsuro Kuramae, Shingo Ishikawa, Aki Kono, Seiji Hobo. Pharmacokinetics in plasma and alveolar regions of a healthy calf intramuscularly administered a single dose of orbifloxacin. The Journal of veterinary medical science. 2022. 84. 3. 400-405
Shingo Ishikawa, Masataka Miyazawa, Chiho Tanaka, Ryoma Uesawa, Juri Nishizawa, Ryoko Uemura, Ikuo Kobayashi, Seiji Hobo. Interferon gamma, lipopolysaccharide, and modified-live viral vaccines stimulation alter the mRNA expression of tumor necrosis factor α, inducible nitric oxide synthase, and interferon β in bovine alveolar macrophages. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology. 2022. 244. 110378-110378
Daiki Murata, Shingo Ishikawa, Takafumi Sunaga, Yasuo Saito, Takeshi Sogawa, Koichi Nakayama, Seiji Hobo, Takashi Hatazoe. Osteochondral regeneration of the femoral medial condyle by using a scaffold-free 3D construct of synovial membrane-derived mesenchymal stem cells in horses. BMC veterinary research. 2022. 18. 1. 53-53
HAYASHI Jun, ISHIKAWA Shingo, TSUMAGARI Keita, KURAMAE Tetsuro, HOBO Seiji. Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex: Causative Organisms and Causative Viruses in Bronchoalveolar Regions of Introduced Fattening Cattle and Their Treatment Status after Introduction. Journal of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association. 2021. 74. 8. 497-502
more... MISC (10): -
叶 有斗, 福山 悠介, 石川 真悟. 黒毛和種哺乳子牛における胸囲充足率と呼吸器病との関連性. 家畜診療. 2022. 69. 6. 357-357
帆保誠二, 石川真悟. 牛肺炎診断への気管支肺胞洗浄の応用. MPアグロジャーナル. 2019. 39. 20-23
叶 有斗, 石川 真悟. 黒毛和種子牛における牛RSウイルス病の早期診断と病態および対策. 家畜診療. 2019. 66. 5. 306-307
帆保 誠二, 石川 真悟. 牛肺炎に対する気管支肺胞洗浄の応用と抗菌薬療法ならびに予防法 真の肺炎原因菌の特定と肺炎の治療及び予防. 家畜診療. 2019. 66. 3. 153-163
石川 真悟, 帆保 誠二. 【外敵から身を守る!粘膜免疫】牛の呼吸器における感染と免疫応答. 臨床獣医. 2018. 36. 12. 20-23
more... Professional career (1): - Doctor of philosophy (Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University)
Work history (4): - 2022/04 - 現在 Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School of Veterinary Science Associate Professor
- 2021/04 - 2022/03 Osaka Prefecture University Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences Division of Veterinary Science associate professor
- 2015/04 - 2021/03 Kagoshima University Joint faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Veterinary Medicine assistant professor
- 2012/04 - 2015/03 Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University
Awards (6): - 2019/11 - 第68回九州地区獣医師大会 九州地区学会賞
- 2018/12 - 第7回家畜感染症学会学術集会 大会長賞
- 2017/10 - 第66回九州地区獣医師大会 九州地区学会賞受賞
- 2015/11 - 第28回ウマ科学会学術集会 最優秀発表賞
- 2015/10 - 第64回九州地区獣医師大会 九獣連会長賞
- 2014/06 - The 16th Biennial Congress of the International Society for Animal Clinical Pathology Eitan Bogin Prize
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Association Membership(s) (5):
, 家畜感染症学会
, ウマ科学会
, 日本獣医師会(日本産業動物獣医学会)
, 日本獣医学会
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