J-GLOBAL ID:202201018814787947
Update date: Feb. 07, 2025 Maeda Yuki
Maeda Yuki
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research Scientist
Research field (4):
Green/sustainable/environmental chemistry
, Energy chemistry
, Inorganic compounds/materials chemistry
, Material fabrication and microstructure control
Research keywords (3):
, Electrochemistry
, Surface Processing
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2024 - 2027 バイオマスの有効利用に向けた液化アンモニア中での電解酸化シアノ化反応の確立
- 2021 - 2023 格子欠陥制御と電気化学処理の融合による新規金属/SiC複合材料の創製
Papers (12): -
Yohei Matsui, Yuki Maeda, Makoto Kawase, Takahiro Suzuki, Shohji Tsushima. Iron-Based Thermally Regenerative Flow Battery Recharged by Distillation of Acetone. Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 2024
Yohei Matsui, Yuki Maeda, Makoto Kawase, Takahiro Suzuki, Shohji Tsushima. Flow Battery Driven by a Difference in Solvation Toward the Effective Use of Diverse Forms of Energy. ECS Meeting Abstracts. 2023. MA2023-01. 3. 774-774
Chenghao Lin, Yuki Maeda, Kuniaki Murase, Kazuhiro Fukami. Nanoporous boron-doped diamond produced by a combination of high-energy ion irradiation and anodization. Electrochemistry Communications. 2023. 149. 107473-107473
Yohei Matsui, Yuki Maeda, Makoto Kawase, Takahiro Suzuki, Shohji Tsushima. Flow battery recharging by thermoresponsive liquid-liquid phase separation. Sustainable Energy & Fuels. 2023. 7. 16. 3832-3841
Yuki Maeda, Heishun Zen, Atsushi Kitada, Kuniaki Murase, Kazuhiro Fukami. Enhancement of Oxidation of Silicon Carbide Originating from Stacking Faults Formed by Mode-Selective Phonon Excitation Using a Mid-Infrared Free Electron Laser. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2022. 2956-2962
more... MISC (3): -
前田有輝, 北田敦, 全炳俊, 邑瀬邦明, 深見一弘. 赤外自由電子レーザーを用いた格子振動励起とSiCのアノード酸化挙動の関係. 表面技術協会講演大会講演要旨集. 2022. 145th
LIN Chenghao, 前田有輝, 前田有輝, 北田敦, 邑瀬邦明, 深見一弘. 陽極酸化によるホウ素ドープダイヤモンドのナノポーラス化. 表面技術協会講演大会講演要旨集. 2022. 146th
村上勇樹, 前田有輝, 北田敦, 邑瀬邦明, 深見一弘. Water-in-oil型エマルジョンを用いたCoNiCuミディアムエントロピー合金電析. 表面技術協会講演大会講演要旨集. 2021. 144th
Lectures and oral presentations (18): -
(表面技術協会第146回講演大会 2022)
(熱工学コンファレンス2022 2022)
(表面技術協会第145回講演大会 2022)
(第3回関西電気化学研究会 2021)
濃厚水溶液を用いた SiC のアノード酸化
(表面技術協会第143回講演大会 2021)
more... Education (2): - 2017 - 2022 Kyoto University Graduate School of Engineering Deprtment of Materical Science and Engineering
- 2013 - 2017 Kyoto University Faculty of Engineering School of Engineering Science
Work history (3): - 2023/08 - 現在 Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry Energy Chemistry Division, Energy Transformation Research Laboratory, Reaearch Scientist
- 2022/04 - 2023/07 Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry Energy Chemistry Division, Energy Transformation Research Laboratory, Research Scientist
- 2021/04 - 2022/03 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Awards (3): - 2021/07 - 京都大学大学院工学研究科 吉田研究奨励賞
- 2020/11 - 表面技術協会 金属のアノード酸化皮膜の機能化部会 優秀発表賞 黒田孝一記念賞
- 2019/03 - 電気化学会 優秀学生講演賞
Association Membership(s) (2):
The Surface Finishing Society of Japan
, The Electrochemical Society of Japan
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