J-GLOBAL ID:202201019396046060
Update date: Nov. 18, 2024 Yamaguchi Rutsuko
ヤマグチ ルツコ | Yamaguchi Rutsuko
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Other affiliations (1): Research field (3):
Emergency medicine
, Hygiene and public health (non-laboratory)
, Forensic medicine
Research keywords (6):
, 公衆衛生学
, 外傷学
, Emergency medicine
, Epidemiology
, Forensic medicine
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2023 - 2026 司法解剖創成期からの鑑定書の医学史・法制史学的検証による法医学史の構築
- 2019 - 2023 法医解剖となった診療関連死事例の医学・法学・医療安全学的分析
Papers (70): -
Yumi Hoshioka, Suguru Torimitsu, Yohsuke Makino, Daisuke Yajima, Fumiko Chiba, Rutsuko Yamaguchi, Go Inokuchi, Ayumi Motomura, Shigeki Tsuneya, Hirotaro Iwase. Sex estimation from skull measurements of a contemporary Japanese population using three-dimensional computed tomography images. International journal of legal medicine. 2024
Suguru Torimitsu, Yoshifumi Nishida, Daisuke Yajima, Go Inokuchi, Ayumi Motomura, Fumiko Chiba, Rutsuko Yamaguchi, Yumi Hoshioka, Shigeki Tsuneya, Hirotaro Iwase, et al. Assessment of differences in mechanical properties and thickness of temporal and occipital bones and correlation with age in Japanese forensic samples. Legal medicine (Tokyo, Japan). 2024. 71. 102503-102503
Toki Toi, Shigeki Tsuneya, Go Inokuchi, Fumiko Chiba, Yumi Hoshioka, Sayaka Nagasawa, Maiko Yoshida, Rutsuko Yamaguchi, Suguru Torimitsu, Hiroyuki Inoue, et al. Characteristics of indoor and outdoor fatal hypothermia cases in Chiba, Japan. Legal medicine (Tokyo, Japan). 2024. 71. 102494-102494
Masatoshi Kojima, Yohsuke Makino, Rutsuko Yamaguchi, Ayumi Motomura, Daisuke Yajima, Go Inokuchi, Naoki Saito, Suguru Torimitsu, Yumi Hoshioka, Shumari Urabe, et al. Gray-white matter contrast reversal on T1-weighted spin-echo in postmortem brain. Forensic science international. 2024. 360. 112031-112031
Satomi Mizuno, Sachiko Ono, Yohsuke Makino, Susumu Kobayashi, Suguru Torimitsu, Rutsuko Yamaguchi, Fumiko Chiba, Shigeki Tsuneya, Hirotaro Iwase. Mandibular torus thickness associated with age: Postmortem computed tomographic analysis. Legal medicine (Tokyo, Japan). 2024. 69. 102449-102449
more... MISC (119): -
小林 漸, 槇野 陽介, 鳥光 優, 山口 るつ子, 千葉 文子, 恒矢 重毅, 斉藤 久子, 岩瀬 博太郎. 口蓋部縫合の経時的変化に基づく年齢推定法の検証. Forensic Dental Science. 2023. 16. 1. 12-12
小林漸, 槇野陽介, 鳥光優, 水野聡美, 山口るつ子, 千葉文子, 岩瀬博太郎, 槇野陽介, 鳥光優, 山口るつ子, et al. 口蓋平面に基づく身長推定法の試み. 日本法医学会学術全国集会講演要旨集. 2023. 107th
山口るつ子, 山口るつ子, 永澤明佳, 永澤明佳, 星岡佑美, 本村あゆみ, 本村あゆみ, 本村あゆみ, 槇野陽介, 槇野陽介, et al. 法医解剖となった医療従事者の医薬品自己使用による死亡事例の検討. 中毒研究. 2023. 36. 2
千葉文子, 千葉文子, 猪口剛, 猪口剛, 星岡佑美, 吉田真衣子, 齋藤直樹, 斉藤久子, 槇野陽介, 槇野陽介, et al. 死後CTを用いた胸腰椎の骨棘による年齢推定法の検討. 日本法医学会学術全国集会講演要旨集. 2021. 105th
鳥光優, 鳥光優, 阿部浩幸, 槇野陽介, 槇野陽介, 山口るつ子, 山口るつ子, 本村あゆみ, 本村あゆみ, 本村あゆみ, et al. 劇症型溶連菌連鎖球菌感染症による死亡事例における死後検査の検討. 日本法医学会学術全国集会講演要旨集. 2021. 105th
more... Education (4): - 2013 - 2017 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Forensic Medicine
- 2012 - 2013 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine, the School of Public Health
- 1996 - 2002 Wakayama Medical University
- 1990 - 1995 Kyoto University Faculty of Law
Professional career (2): - Ph.D (The University of Tokyo)
- M.P.H. (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (10): - 2023/06 - 現在 Nihon University School of Medicine Department of Medicine Department of Legal Medicine Associate Professor
- 2023/06 - 現在 The University of Tokyo Department of Forensic Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine Project Assistant Professor
- 2019/04 - 2023/05 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Forensic Medicine Assistant Professor
- 2017/04 - 2023/05 Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Legal Medicine Project assistant professor
- 2014/06 - 2017/03 Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Legal Medicine
- 2010/04 - 2012/03 Teikyo University Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine
- 2008/04 - 2010/03 Kitasato University Department of Surgery
- 2006/04 - 2008/03 Kawasaki Municipal Hospital Department of Surgery, Department of Emergency Medicine
- 2004/04 - 2006/03 Kitasato University Department of Surgery
- 2002/04 - 2004/03 Wakayama Medical University Hospital
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Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本医療情報学会
, 日本疫学会
, 日本医事法学会
, 日本救急医学会
, 日本外科学会
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