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J-GLOBAL ID:202201021429892005   Update date: Jul. 29, 2024

Miyata Kiyoko

ミヤタ キヨコ | Miyata Kiyoko
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Assistant professor
Papers (13):
  • Kiyoko Setoguchi, Lin Cui, Nobutaka Hachisuka, Sumalee Obchoei, Kentaro Shinkai, Fuminori Hyodo, Kiyoko Kato, Fumito Wada, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Mariko Harada-Shiba, et al. Antisense Oligonucleotides Targeting Y-Box Binding Protein-1 Inhibit Tumor Angiogenesis by Downregulating Bcl-xL-VEGFR2/-Tie Axes. Molecular therapy. Nucleic acids. 2017. 9. 170-181
  • Cui L, Nakano K, Obchoei S, Setoguchi K, Matsumoto M, Yamamoto T, Obika S, Shimada K, Hiraoka N. Small Nucleolar Noncoding RNA SNORA23, Up-Regulated in Human Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma, Regulates Expression of Spectrin Repeat-Containing Nuclear Envelope 2 to Promote Growth and Metastasis of Xenograft Tumors in Mice. Gastroenterology. 2017. 153. 1. 292-306.e2
  • TeSlaa T, Setoguchi K, Teitell MA. Mitochondria in human pluripotent stem cell apoptosis. Seminars in cell & developmental biology. 2016
  • Setoguchi K, TeSlaa T, Koehler CM, Teitell MA. P53 Regulates Rapid Apoptosis in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. Journal of molecular biology. 2015
  • Dabir DV, Hasson SA, Setoguchi K, Johnson ME, Wongkongkathep P, Douglas CJ, Zimmerman J, Damoiseaux R, Teitell MA, Koehler CM. A small molecule inhibitor of redox-regulated protein translocation into mitochondria. Developmental cell. 2013
Professional career (1):
  • Ph.D (Kyushu University)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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