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J-GLOBAL ID:202301004126802734   Update date: Dec. 18, 2024

Taguchi Isao

タグチ イサオ | Taguchi Isao
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (4):
  • 2021 - 2024 ブタ急性心筋梗塞モデルを用いた再灌流障害抑制の研究
  • 2016 - 2019 Spatial association between epicardial adipose tissue deposition and external structures contacting the left atrium: importance of electrophysiologic substrates in persistent atrial fibrillation
  • 2015 - 2018 Impact of serum sulfatide level or micro RNA on coronary plaque vulnerability or restenosis post percutaneous coronary intervention
  • 2010 - 2012 Wound healing response in injured vessel wall after implantationof drug-eluting stents
Papers (179):
  • Yuichi Hori, Shiro Nakahara, Yuta Kimura, Hideyuki Aoki, Hirotsugu Sato, Masatoshi Shimura, Yuri Koshikawa, Reiko Fukuda, Itaru Hisauchi, Yuji Itabashi, et al. Novel visually-guided leadless pacemaker implantation using the latest high-speed intraprocedural 3-dimensional rotational angiography system. Heart rhythm. 2024
  • Tanaka Atsushi, Shimabukuro Michio, Teragawa Hiroki, Yoshida Hisako, Okada Yosuke, Takamura Toshinari, Taguchi Isao, Toyoda Shigeru, Tomiyama Hirofumi, Ueda Shinichiro, et al. Blood pressure reduction with empagliflozin in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases: a post-hoc sub-analysis of the placebo-controlled randomized EMBLEM trial. Hypertension research : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension. 2024
  • Kaneko Noboru, Loughrey Christopher M, Smith Godfrey, Matsuda Ryuko, Hasunuma Tomoko, Mark Patric B, Toda Masashi, Shinozaki Makoto, Otani Naoyuki, Kayley Scott, et al. A novel ryanodine receptor 2 inhibitor, M201-A, enhances natriuresis, renal function and lusi-inotropic actions: Preclinical and phase I study. British journal of pharmacology. 2024. 181. 18. 3401-3419
  • Yuki Kondo, Tetsuya Ishikawa, Masatoshi Shimura, Kota Yamada, Tomoaki Ukaji, Yohei Tamura, Miona Arai, Kahoko Mori, Taro Takeyama, Yuichi Hori, et al. Cardiovascular Outcomes after Paclitaxel-Coated Balloon Angioplasty versus Drug-Eluting Stent Placement for Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of clinical medicine. 2024. 13. 5
  • 菊池 優太, 中原 志朗, 田村 洋平, 福田 怜子, 堀 裕一, 志村 暢紀, 近藤 勇喜, 華 臻聖, 越川 優里, 新井 澪奈, et al. 心腔内エコー・3Dマッピングシステムガイド下の心臓腫瘍生検により,早期化学療法を実施し得た一例. 埼玉県医学会雑誌. 2024. 58. 1. np5-np5
MISC (29):
  • Shiro Nakahara, Yuichi Hori, Reiko Fukuda, Hirotsugu Sato, Hideyuki Aoki, Yuki Kondo, Yuta Kimura, Yuji Itabashi, Tetsuya Ishikawa, Sayuki Kobayashi, et al. Current Balloon Devices for Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation. Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. 2024. 25. 1
  • 福田 怜子, 中原 志朗, 堀 祐一, 佐藤 博嗣, 木村 優汰, 青木 秀行, 近藤 勇喜, 小林 さゆき, 板橋 裕二, 石川 哲也, et al. 最新の透視装置を用いたDyna CT画像ガイド下でのリードレスペースメーカー植え込み術を施行した1例. Dokkyo Journal of Medical Sciences. 2023. 50. 2. 170-170
  • 堀 裕一, 中原 志朗, 福田 怜子, 佐藤 弘嗣, 青木 秀行, 近藤 勇喜, 越川 優里, 華 臻聖, 板橋 裕史, 石川 哲也, et al. 心外膜のIsochronal Late Activation Mapと心室早期刺激マップによってCommon PathwayとOuter Loopを含めた心室頻拍の全体的な回路を推測しえた虚血性心筋症の1例. 臨床心臓電気生理. 2023. 46. 137-144
  • 福田 怜子, 伊藤 達彦, 竹山 太朗, 近藤 勇喜, 越川 優里, 水谷 有克子, 堀 裕一, 中村 日出彦, 久内 格, 中原 志朗, et al. Slight Gradual Prolongation of A-H interval Indicates Successful Slow Pathway Elimination by Cryofreezing(タイトル和訳中). 日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集. 2023. 87回. OJ09-1
  • 堀 裕一, 伊藤 達彦, 志村 暢紀, 華 臻聖, 福田 怜子, 中村 日出彦, 久内 格, 板橋 裕史, 石川 哲也, 中原 志朗, et al. The Accuracy of Cardiac Sympathoexcitation Monitoring during Pulmonary Vein Isolation by Psychogenic Sweating(タイトル和訳中). 日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集. 2023. 87回. OJ17-3
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