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J-GLOBAL ID:202301004594884560   Update date: Sep. 18, 2024


シゲミ ショウヘイ | SHIGEMI SHOHEI
Affiliation and department:
Papers (3):
  • Tessei Nagayama, Tomohiro Fukunaga, Takehiro Yajima, Shohei Shigemi, Mayuri Sakamoto, Masahiro Seiryu, Hiroyuki Ichikawa, Itaru Mizoguchi, Tadasu Sato. Neural sodium voltage-gated channel beta subunit 3 and alpha subunit 7 distributions in mouse periodontal ligaments after experimental tooth movement. Clinical and Investigative Orthodontics. 2024. 83. 2. 70-79
  • Shohei Shigemi, Tadasu Sato, Mayuri Sakamoto, Takehiro Yajima, Takahiro Honda, Hiroka Tsumaki, Toru Deguchi, Hiroyuki Ichikawa, Tomohiro Fukunaga, Itaru Mizoguchi. The role of TRPV2 as a regulator on the osteoclast differentiation during orthodontic tooth movement in rats. Scientific reports. 2023. 13. 1. 13718-13718
  • Tomo Aonuma, Nagato Tamamura, Tomohiro Fukunaga, Yuichi Sakai, Nobuo Takeshita, Shohei Shigemi, Takashi Yamashiro, Irma Thesleff, Teruko Takano-Yamamoto. Delayed tooth movement in Runx2+/- mice associated with mTORC2 in stretch-induced bone formation. Bone reports. 2020. 12. 100285-100285
MISC (2):
  • 岸川 明子, 福永 智広, 清流 正弘, 茂見 翔平, 溝口 到. 下顎関節突起切除術を併用し矯正歯科治療を行った片側性下顎関節突起過形成を伴う顔面非対称症例. 東北矯正歯科学会雑誌. 2021. 29. 1. 77-78
  • 佐々木 聡史, 北浦 英樹, 前田 敏博, 小川 紗衣香, 小倉 裕樹, 亀田 真衣, 金城 里阿, 茂見 翔平, 沼崎 研人, 溝口 到. 東北大学病院矯正歯科における10年間の先天性疾患症例の実態調査. 東北矯正歯科学会雑誌. 2020. 28. 1. 57-58
Lectures and oral presentations  (3):
  • Morphological and functional characteristics of a patient with early closure of the unilateral coronal suture
  • The role of TRPV2 as a regulator on the osteoclast differentiation during or thodontic tooth movement
  • 片側性冠状縫合早期癒合による顔面非対称患者の顎顔面形態お よび顎機能の特徴
    (第39回東北矯正歯科学会学術大会 2023)
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