J-GLOBAL ID:202301010368122150
Update date: Jun. 03, 2024 Suenami Shota
スエナミ ショウタ | Suenami Shota
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Assistant Professor
Research field (2):
Molecular biology
, Animals: biochemistry, physiology, behavioral science
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2024 - 2028 ミツバチからひもとく、腸内細菌と社会性行動の関係とその脳分子基盤
- 2020 - 2023 腸内細菌によるミツバチ脳機能の制御機構の解明および飼育保全への応用
Papers (11): -
Shota Suenami, Masato Sato, Ryo Miyazaki. Gustatory Responsiveness of Honey Bees Colonized with a Defined or Conventional Gut Microbiota. Microbes and Environments. 2024
Shota Suenami, Akiko Koto, Ryo Miyazaki. Basic Structures of Gut Bacterial Communities in Eusocial Insects. Insects. 2023. 14. 5. 444-444
Kirsten M. Ellegaard, Shota Suenami, Ryo Miyazaki, Philipp Engel. Vast Differences in Strain-Level Diversity in the Gut Microbiota of Two Closely Related Honey Bee Species. Current Biology. 2020. 30. 13. 2520-2531.e7
Shota Suenami, Masaru Konishi Nobu, Ryo Miyazaki. Community analysis of gut microbiota in hornets, the largest eusocial wasps, Vespa mandarinia and V. simillima. Scientific Reports. 2019. 9. 1
Laura A. Wolter, Shota Suenami, Ryo Miyazaki. Frischella japonica sp. nov., an anaerobic member of the Orbales in the Gammaproteobacteria, isolated from the gut of the eastern honey bee, Apis cerana japonica Fabricius. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2019. 71. 3
more... MISC (2): -
末次 翔太, 宮崎 亮. 社会性昆虫と腸内細菌のクロストーク : 真社会性昆虫の腸内細菌叢の構造と機能-特集 微生物の集団性と社会性の創発. 遺伝 : 生物の科学. 2023. 77. 6. 444-451
末次 翔太. ミツバチだって腸内細菌と生きている. 生物工学会誌. 2021. 99. 3. 133
Education (3): - 2014 - 2017 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Department of Biological Sciences
- 2012 - 2014 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Department of Biological Sciences
- 2010 - 2012 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science Department of Biological Sciences
Professional career (3): - 学士(理学) (東京大学)
- 修士(理学) (東京大学)
- 博士(理学) (東京大学)
Work history (3): - 2023/04 - 現在 Fukuoka University Faculty of Science Department of Earth System Science Assistant Professor
- 2020/04 - 2023/03 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- 2017/04 - 2020/03 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Bioproduction Research Institute
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