J-GLOBAL ID:202301011486869038
Update date: May. 21, 2024 Horiguchi Yuko
ホリグチ ユウコ | Horiguchi Yuko
Affiliation and department: Research keywords (3):
, Academic Debate
, Systemic Functional Linguistics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): - 2024 - 2027 教育的ディベートの大学英語教育への導入による学生の英語力向上に関する調査研究
Papers (7): -
Collaborative EFL Learning. Journal of Tsuda University. 2023. 55
小林, ゆみ, 市川, ゆりえ, 小田, 登志子, 堀口, 優子. コロナ禍の体験はどのように生かされたのか : 一般教養英語の場合 : 研究ノート-How the COVID-19 pandemic impacted face-to-face general English courses : Note. 人文自然科学論集 = The Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. 2023. 152. 159-188
市川, ゆりえ, 小田, 登志子, 小林, かおる, エリック, シワック, ステファニー, トゥンチャイ, 堀口, 優子. 一般教養英語科目における遠隔授業 : 2020 年度教育現場の記録およびコロナ禍後への学び : 研究ノート-Remote teaching for General Education English courses in 2020 and hints for teaching post-pandemic : Note. 人文自然科学論集 = The Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. 2021. 148. 148. 195-229
堀口, 優子, 高橋, 博. What's in a Nominal? Introducing Nominalizations in College Writing Class. 津田塾大学紀要 = Journal of Tsuda College. 2016. 48. 103-116
Sosa, Miguel, Horiguchi, Yuko. Academic Debate, the Ii-toko-dori Way. 語学研究 = ICU Language Research Bulletin. 2015. 29. 1-14
more... MISC (7): -
Yuko Horiguchi. Debate as a Catalyst for L2 Writing Development:. JACET 61st International Convention. 2022
Yuko Horiguchi. Reading to Learn: A Case of Extensive Reading as a Locus of Multimodal Learning. Jaal in JACET. 2020
Yuko Horiguchi. Don’t Smack in the Face - a sequel to academic debate. JACET 55th International Convention. 2016
Takahashi,Hiroshi, Horiguchi,Yuko. Bring Your Own Books : On the Benefits of Incorporating Quasi-Extensive Reading in a College Academic Reading Course(Intercultural Communicative Competence and English Language Education in a Globalized World) :. 2015. 54. 38-39
Horiguchi,Yuko, Takahashi,Hiroshi. Introducing Nominalization in a Writing Class(Fostering English Communicative Competence for Peace and Friendship) :. 2014. 53. 102
more... Education (2): - Sophia University Faculty of Foreign Studies
- Columbia University Teachers College
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