Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2018 - 2023 文禄・慶長の役が及ぼした近世東アジアにおける武文化交流史に関する国際研究
Papers (21):
Yoshioka Masaki, Takada Misato, Matsuo Makinori, Maeda Seiji, Kosaki Keisei. Relationship between mood and sleep status with performance accuracy in university kyudo athletes. Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine. 2024. 73. 2. 63-74
Mariani, Giacomo, OBATAYA, EIICHI, Kosaka, Mahiro, Matsuo, Makinori. Design and construction of modern FRP Japanese bows by an inverse modelling approach of the elastica theory. Composite Structures. 2022. 294
Mariani, G, Matsuo, M. The static deformation of the asymmetric Japanese bow: modelling bow asymmetries with the elastica theory. MECCANICA. 2020. 55. 9. 1733-1752