J-GLOBAL ID:202301011710461058
Update date: Oct. 03, 2024 Taniguchi Masaki
タニグチ マサキ | Taniguchi Masaki
Affiliation and department: Job title:
associate professor
Homepage URL (1): https://sites.google.com/view/masaki-taniguchis-homepage/home?authuser=0 Research field (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2022 - 2027 開4次元多様体に対するゲージ理論とその応用
- 2020 - 2023 2次元結び目とYang-Millsゲージ理論について
- 2017 - 2020 低次元多様体に対するゲージ理論的不変量の研究
Papers (1): -
Yuta Nozaki, Kouki Sato, Masaki Taniguchi. Filtered instanton Floer homology and the homology cobordism group. Journal of the European Mathematical Society. 2023. 26. 12. 4699-4761
MISC (15): -
Hokuto Konno, Masaki Taniguchi. Positive scalar curvature and homology cobordism invariants. Journal of Topology. 2023. 16. 2. 679-719
Hokuto Konno, Abhishek Mallick, Masaki Taniguchi. From diffeomorphisms to exotic phenomena in small 4-manifolds. 2023
Hokuto Konno, Jin Miyazawa, Masaki Taniguchi. Involutions, links, and Floer cohomologies. 2023
Nobuo Iida, Hokuto Konno, Masaki Taniguchi. A note on generalized Thurston-Bennequin inequalities. International Journal of Mathematics. 2022. 33. 14
Hokuto Konno, Masaki Taniguchi. The groups of diffeomorphisms and homeomorphisms of 4-manifolds with boundary. Advances in Mathematics. 2022. 409. 108627-108627
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