Research keywords (4):
, イノベーション
, 取締役会
, コーポレートガバナンス
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2024 - 2027 Board of directors and TMT diversity
2010 - 2010 Corporate governance, institutional complementarity, and firm performance
Papers (65):
Uchida, Daisuke, Yoshikawa, Toru. The Differential Effect of Regulatory Signals on Shareholder Dissent: The Case of Shareholder Voting in Director Elections. Corporate Governance: An International Review. 2025
Jin-ichiro Yamada, Toru Yoshikawa. Coping With Competing Role Expectations: How Do Independent Directors Make Sense of Their Role?. Journal of Management. 2024
Toru Yoshikawa, Daisuke Uchida, Richard R. Smith. Female CHRO appointments: A crack in the glass ceiling?. Leadership Quarterly. 2024. 35
Renfei Gao, Helen Wei Hu, Toru Yoshikawa. Attraction versus competition: A tale of two similarity effects in director selection of Chinese firms. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 2024. 41. 275-316
Toru Yoshikawa, Ignacio Requejo, Asli M. Colpan, Daisuke Uchida. Conflict or alignment? The role of return-oriented foreign shareholders and domestic relational shareholders in mitigating earnings management. Strategic Organization. 2023. 21. 4. 827-855
Yamada Jin-ichiro, Yoshikawa Toru. Neutralizing Response to Competing Logics in Corporate Governance:: Antecedents of Female Board Appointments in Japan. Organizational Science. 2021. 55. 2. 31-47
Toru Yoshikawa, Gavin Chua. COVID-19 and Japanese shareholder activism: brief respite for Japan’s self-healing concrete. Asian Business and Management. 2020. 19. 3. 302-305
山内 麻理, 好川 透. コーポレートガバナンスと機関投資家 : スチュワードシップコード改訂後の議決権行使の状況について-Corporate Governance and Institutional Investors Shareholder Dissent after the Revision of the Stewardship Code. 証券経済研究 / 日本証券経済研究所 編. 2019. 108. 81-92
Toru Yoshikawa. Rejoinder to “Confronting the crisis of confidence in management studies: Why senior scholars need to stop setting a bad example” from the Asian perspective. Academy of Management Learning and Education. 2019. 18. 2. 298-301
Determinants of investor relations strategy : a study of large Japanese firms
UMI Dissertation Services 1997 ISBN:0612204391
Lectures and oral presentations (106):
Balancing Acts: Shareholder Activism and Human Capital Dynamics in Japanese Firms
(Annual International Corporate Governance Society Conference 2024)
A Signaling Perspective of Female Director Recruitment: How Do Female Directors Acquire an Additional Board Appointment?
(Annual International Corporate Governance Society Conference 2024)
The Impact of CHROs on Corporate Social Performance:Does Gender Make a Difference?
Internationalization and management forecasts in Japanese MNEs
(Academy of International Business Annual Conference (Seoul) 2024)
How Director Gender Affects Shareholders' Evaluations of Director Busyness