J-GLOBAL ID:202301014301445996
Update date: Dec. 26, 2024 Ito Akihiro
Ito Akihiro
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): - 2022 - 2025 プレート境界断層の鉱物組成不均一性が地震時の破壊伝播過程に与える影響の解明
Papers (13): -
Tetsuro Hirono, Hiromichi Yano, Kiyokazu Oohashi, Takeshi Miyamoto, Akihiro Ito. Relationship of evolution of slip-surface structure in Indian sandstone to changes in friction coefficient for a wide range of slip rates. Journal of Structural Geology. 2024. 184. 105167-105167
Toshihiko Sugiki, Akihiro Ito, Yuko Hatanaka, Masaki Tsukamoto, Tsuyoshi Murata, Koichiro Miyanishi, Akinori Kagawa, Toshimichi Fujiwara, Masahiro Kitagawa, Yasushi Morita, et al. Real-time monitoring of enzyme-catalyzed phosphoribosylation of anti-influenza prodrug favipiravir by time-lapse nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. NMR in biomedicine. 2022. 36. 5. e4888
Tetsuro Hirono, Shunya Kaneki, Tsuyoshi Ishikawa, Jun Kameda, Naoya Tonoike, Akihiro Ito, Yuji Miyazaki. Generation of sintered fault rock and its implications for earthquake energetics and fault healing. Communications Earth & Environment. 2020. 1. 1
ITO Akihiro. Analytical Instrument Facility, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University. Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan. 2017. 65. 6. 301-303
Tetsuro Hirono, Satoru Asayama, Shunya Kaneki, Akihiro Ito. Preservation of amorphous ultrafine material: A proposed proxy for slip during recent earthquakes on active faults. Scientific reports. 2016. 6. 36536-36536
more... MISC (2): -
稲角 直也, 戸所 泰人, 伊藤 彰厚, 飯島 憲一. 所有からシェアへ : 分析機器と技術のコアファシリティ化-Technical Support Division, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University. 生産と技術 = Manufacturing & technology / 大阪大学生産技術研究会 編. 2021. 73. 1. 78-82
伊藤 彰厚. 質量分析(MALDI-TOF-MS)を用いた高分子化合物の分子量分布解析法の検討-第20回理学研究科技術職員研修 学内研修 学内演習 学外研修. 技術部報告書. 2011. 20. 23-26
Books (1): - 架橋の反応・構造制御と分析 事例集 -架橋プロセスの設計・架橋剤の配合-
(株)技術情報協会 2014
Lectures and oral presentations (11): -
糖タンパク質の解析を目指したビス(ターピ. リジン)ルテニウム(II)錯体標識糖の質量分析
(日本化学会錯体化学研究会第58回錯体化学討論会 2008)
(第88回日本化学会春季年会 2008)
(第7回大阪大学質量分析シンポジウム 2008)
ルテニウム錯体を用いたThermus thermophilus HB8由来の複合タンパク質の解析
(第56回錯体化学討論会 2006)
Analysis method of protein complex using bis(terpyridine)ruthenium(II) derivative
(The 8th International 21 century COE Symposium on Integrated EcoChemistry 2006)
more... Association Membership(s) (3): Return to Previous Page