J-GLOBAL ID:202301015707940358
Update date: Oct. 21, 2024 Arimoto Rika
アリモト リカ | Arimoto Rika
Affiliation and department: Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2023 - 2027 Impact of taking parental leave on father-child bonding, well-being, and development of parental involvement education during parental leave.
- 2023 - 2027 (The impact of taking parental leave on paternal and child bonding, well-being, and the development of parental involvement education during parental leave.
- 2014 - 2017 The circumstances of practical skill (technique) and occupational probability of Sanba in the Meiji era
Papers (15): -
Rika Arimoto, Hiroya Matuo. The Influence of Health Care from Health Professionals on Maternal Mental Health. Universal Journal of Public Health. 2022. 10. 1. 53-61
Examining the role of the midwives in an emergency during the Meiji era: based on the appendix of “Shushi Sanbaron”. 2021. 25. 19-25
A consideration of childbirth preparation classroom program of women who gave birth in a scheduled caesarean section. 2018. 22. 33-43
The touch care by independent midwives during examination for pregnant women : midwives views about touching and interaction with signs of pregnancy adaptation. 2017. 21. 11-19
Actual of childbirth preparatory education of women who gave birth in a scheduled caesarean section in Hospital in A city. 2017. 21. 61-68
more... MISC (16): -
吉川 惠理, 有本 梨花, 谷川 裕子. 2020年度「助産師のちからアップ」オンライン研修会を開催して-特集 コロナ時代における助産師の継続教育. 助産師 = The Journal of Japanese Midwives' Association : 日本助産師会機関誌. 2021. 75. 2. 23-27
駒井江里, 嶋澤恭子, 藤井ひろみ, 奥山葉子, 有本梨花, 平田恭子, 宮下ルリ子, 高田昌代, 小笠原百恵, 谷口真紀, et al. 「産婆學雑誌」から紐解く明治期における新生児の栄養の考え方について. 母性衛生. 2015. 56. 3. 240-240
小笠原百恵, 藤井ひろみ, 嶋澤恭子, 高田昌代, 有本梨花, 奥山葉子, 平田恭子, 宮下ルリ子, 谷口真紀, 山名華代, et al. 「産婆學雑誌」にみる産婆に必要とされた尿検査の知識. 母性衛生. 2015. 56. 3. 239-239
高田 昌代, 嶋澤 恭子, 藤井 ひろみ, 奥山 葉子, 有本 梨花, 平田 恭子, 宮下 ルリ子, 小笠原 百恵, 谷口 真紀, 吉川 恵理, et al. 産婆学雑誌にみる楠田謙蔵氏の産婆に対する教育理念の分析. 母性衛生. 2015. 56. 3. 240-240
有本梨花, 嶋澤恭子, 奥山葉子, 高田昌代, 谷川裕子, 早瀬麻子. 母児同床による褥婦の睡眠の有効性. 日本助産学会誌. 2015. 28. 3. 523-523
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