J-GLOBAL ID:202301016344053245
Update date: Feb. 11, 2025 Ozaki Tomohiko
オザキ トモヒコ | Ozaki Tomohiko
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Assistant professor
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 2019 - 2023 経頭蓋直流電気刺激を用いた急性期脳梗塞治療の有効性と作用機序に関する検討
- 2018 - 2023 オステオポンチンとロイシンリッチα2グリコプロテインを標的とした脳梗塞治療の開発
- 2015 - 2018 The P2X4 receptor is required for neuroprotection via ischemic preconditioning
- 2015 - 2018 Relationship between cortical spreading depression (CSD) and high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) as synergistic deteriorating factors in cerebral ischemia.
Papers (49): -
Tomohiko Ozaki, Masafumi Hiramatsu, Hajime Nakamura, Yasunari Niimi, Shuichi Tanoue, Katsuhiro Mizutani, Ichiro Nakahara, Yuji Matsumaru, Yasushi Matsumoto, Timo Krings, et al. Classification, angioarchitecture and treatment outcomes of medullary bridging vein-draining dural arteriovenous fistulas in the foramen magnum region: a multicenter study. Neuroradiology. 2025
Hiroshi Yamagami, Tomohiko Ozaki, Kuniaki Ogasawara, Izumi Nagata, Yuji Matsumaru, Shinichi Yoshimura, Makoto Sasaki, Kazuyuki Nagatsuka, Kazuo Minematsu, Yoji Nagai, et al. Randomized Controlled Trial of Cilostazol Addition for In-Stent Restenosis After Carotid Artery Stenting. Stroke. 2024
Izutsu, N., Nishizawa, N., Nakajima, S., Kanemura, Y., Ozaki, T., Asai, K., Kidani, T., Kobayashi, K., Fujimi, Y., Fujinaka, T. Extracranial internal carotid artery-dissecting aneurysm having a re-entry tear and causing lower cranial nerve palsies treated with flow-diverting stent: A case report. Surgical Neurology International. 2024. 15
Kawamoto, S., Ozaki, T., Asai, K., Kidani, T., Izutsu, N., Nakajima, S., Kanemura, Y., Nishizawa, N., Kobayashi, K., Fujimi, Y., et al. Treatment Outcomes of PED for Unruptured Aneurysms of Internal Carotid Artery: Comparison of PED-Flex and PED-Shield. Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica. 2024. 64. 8
Fujimi, Y., Ozaki, T., Izutsu, N., Nakajima, S., Kanemura, Y., Kidani, T., Kawamoto, S., Nishizawa, N., Kobayashi, K., Fujinaka, T. Fungal symptomatic intracranial aneurysm treated with a flow diverting stent: A case report. Surgical Neurology International. 2024. 15
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