J-GLOBAL ID:202401000160828973
Update date: Feb. 24, 2025 Hsu Kai-hsuan
キョ カイケン | Hsu Kai-hsuan
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Specially Appointed Professor (Ambitious Special Assistant Professor)
Research field (2):
Cultural properties
, Archaeology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): - 2024 - 2028 Change in marine productivity in the Kuril Islands and its impact on humans
Papers (5): -
Kai-hsuan Hsu, Masaki Eda. Poultry consumed by the Dutch in the Dejima trading post, Nagasaki, Japan. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 2023
Kai-hsuan Hsu, Yoko Yamane, Masaki Eda. Chickens consumed in early modern samurai residences: A study of bird remains from the Ichigaya Honmura-cho site, Tokyo, Japan. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. 2022
Masaki Eda, Yu Itahashi, Hiroki Kikuchi, Guoping Sun, Kai-hsuan Hsu, Takashi Gakuhari, Minoru Yoneda, Leping Jiang, Guomei Yang, Shinichi Nakamura. Multiple lines of evidence of early goose domestication in a 7,000-y-old rice cultivation village in the lower Yangtze River, China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2022. 119. 12
Morphological identification criteria for Phasianidae (chicken and indigenous fowls in Japan) bones and their application to investigate zooarchaeological remains from the Dejima Oranda Shokan site. Zoo-archaeology. 2022. 39. 1-13
Kai-hsuan Hsu, Masaki Eda, Hiroki Kikuchi, Guoping Sun. Neolithic avifaunal resource utilisation in the lower Yangtze River: A case study of the Tianluoshan site. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 2021. 37. 102929-102929
MISC (8): -
江田真毅, 許開軒. 鳥類. 台東区 元浅草遺跡. 2024. 283-285
江田真毅, 許開軒. 魚の町遺跡第2次調査出土の鳥類遺体. 魚の町遺跡(遺構・遺物報告及び総括編). 2023. 103-110
許開軒, 丸山真史, 江田真毅. 鳥類研究の最前線 2022 鳥学会 鳥類の最新研究3選 3 江戸時代の大坂城下町にいたのはどんな鳩?. 野鳥. 2023. 88. 2
江田真毅, 許開軒. 鳥類. 下ヶ戸貝塚X. 2022. 44-57
江田真毅, 許開軒, 菊地大樹, 孫国平. 田螺山遺跡における鳥類利用-T406グリッド出土資料からの検討-. 日中共同研究成果報告書 中国江南の考古学. 2022. 105-116
more... Books (1): - 時間軸で探る日本の鳥 : 復元生態学の礎
築地書館 2021 ISBN:9784806716143
Lectures and oral presentations (15): -
(日本鳥学会2024年度大会 2024)
(日本動物考古学会第11回大会 2024)
How did the chicken spread in Japan: chicken consumption in three early modern (AD 17th-19th) cities
(ICAZ Bird Working Group 2024)
Poultry consumption in early modern (17th-19th centuries) Nagasaki, Japan
(14th International Council for Archaeozoology Conference 2023)
(動物考古学会第10回大会 2023)
more... Education (2): - 2020 - 2024 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences Department of History
- 2018 - 2020 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Letters Division of History and Area Studies
Professional career (1): - Ph.D. (Humanities) (Hokkaido University)
Awards (1): Association Membership(s) (2): Return to Previous Page