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J-GLOBAL ID:202401003514061054   Update date: Nov. 14, 2024

Sasa Noah

ササ ノア | Sasa Noah
Affiliation and department:
Papers (3):
  • Ryuya Edahiro, Yuya Shirai, Yusuke Takeshima, Shuhei Sakakibara, Yuta Yamaguchi, Teruaki Murakami, Takayoshi Morita, Yasuhiro Kato, Yu-Chen Liu, Daisuke Motooka, et al. Single-cell analyses and host genetics highlight the role of innate immune cells in COVID-19 severity. Nature Genetics. 2023. 55. 5. 753-767
  • Ho Namkoong, Ryuya Edahiro, Tomomi Takano, Hiroshi Nishihara, Yuya Shirai, Kyuto Sonehara, Hiromu Tanaka, Shuhei Azekawa, Yohei Mikami, Ho Lee, et al. DOCK2 is involved in the host genetics and biology of severe COVID-19. Nature. 2022. 609. 7928. 754-760
  • Qingbo S Wang, Ryuya Edahiro, Ho Namkoong, Takanori Hasegawa, Yuya Shirai, Kyuto Sonehara, Hiromu Tanaka, Ho Lee, Ryunosuke Saiki, Takayoshi Hyugaji, et al. The whole blood transcriptional regulation landscape in 465 COVID-19 infected samples from Japan COVID-19 Task Force. Nature communications. 2022. 13. 1. 4830-4830
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