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J-GLOBAL ID:202401006226819707   Update date: Dec. 25, 2024

Fukada Toshiaki

フカダ トシアキ | Fukada Toshiaki
Affiliation and department:
Papers (11):
  • Hiroshi Suenaga, Yoshinobu Nakao, Toshiaki Fukada. Demonstration by laboratory experiments of thermosiphon effect in the closed loop carbon dioxide circulation system. Geothermics. 2024. 120. 103003-103003
  • T. Fukada, S. Takeuchi, T. Kajishima. Particle subgrid stress models for large Stokes numbers in particle-laden turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2022
  • Shintaro Takeuchi, Toshiaki Fukada, Shuji Yamada, Suguru Miyauchi, Takeo Kajishima. Lubrication pressure model in a non-negligible gap for fluid permeation through a membrane with finite permeability. Physical Review Fluids. 2021
  • Hayashi, J., Tainaka, K., Fukada, T., Muto, M., Kawanabe, H., Kurose, R. Soot formation characteristics in a pulverized coal flame formed in a swirling flow. Advanced Powder Technology. 2020. 31. 9
  • Fukada, T., Takeuchi, S., Kajishima, T. Anisotropic Reaction Force Model in Two-way Coupling Simulation for a Smaller Particle Than Grid Spacing Based on Volume Averaging. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. 2020. 105. 4
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