J-GLOBAL ID:202401006850800042
Update date: Nov. 27, 2024 Okamura Hiromu
オカムラ ヒロム | Okamura Hiromu
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Assistant Professor
Research field (3):
Foreign language education
, Linguistics
, English linguistics
Research keywords (2):
, 第二言語習得
Papers (6): -
Hiromu Okamura, Tomohiko Shirahata. Factors Causing Overpassivisation of Unaccusative Verbs by Japanese Learners of English. Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition. 2024. 10. 1. 1-26
Hiromu Okamura, Tomohiko Shirahata. Comparison of Factors Causing Overpassivisation of Unaccusative Verbs by Japanese Learners of English. 教科開発学論集. 2024. 12. 73-82
Yoshie Ishikawa, Ayano Otaki, Hiromu Okamura, Tomohiko Shirahata. Measuring the English vocabulary acquisition of Japanese learners. Studies in English Language and Education. 2024. 11. 1. 59-75
Paul Lyddon, Hiromu Okamura. Japanese Junior High School English Textbook Input and Wh-Question Formulation. JALT Postconference Publication. 2020. 2019. 1. 49-49
須田, 孝司, 岡村, 明夢. カートグラフィック・アプローチにもとづく日本人英語学習者のwh疑問文の習得 -文法性判断データより-. 国際関係・比較文化研究. 2020. 18. 2. 1-21
more... MISC (1): -
岡村明夢, 白畑知彦. 日本語母語話者の英語非対格動詞の過剰受動化の誤り. 第12回教科開発学研究会論文集. 2021. 15-20
Education (2): - - 2024 愛知教育大学大学院・静岡大学大学院 教育学研究科 博士課程
- - 2020 University of Shizuoka
Work history (1): - 2023/04 - 現在 University of Shizuoka Faculty of International Relations Assistant Professor
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