J-GLOBAL ID:202401012091586111
Update date: Aug. 28, 2024 FUWA Kazumasa
FUWA Kazumasa
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Papers (3): -
Nakazaki K, Nagano N, Katayama D, Shimizu S, Matsuda K, Tokunaga W, Aoki R, Fuwa K, Morioka I. Body fat-reducing effects of whey protein diet in male mice. Nutrients. 2023. 15. 10. 2263
Nagano N, Katayama D, Hara K, Akimoto T, Imaizumi T, Seimiya A, Aoki R, Hijikata M, Fuwa K, Okahashi A, et al. Association of umbilical cord insulin-like growth factor 1 levels with severe retinopathy in extremely preterm infants. Pediatrics and Neonatology. 2023. 64. 126-132
不破一将, 長野伸彦, 森岡一朗. 「生殖補助医療と周産期医療の連携」補助医療を受けて出生した児の予後. 日本周産期新生児医学会雑誌. 2022. 58. 4. 931-933
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