J-GLOBAL ID:202401013440682219
Update date: Nov. 19, 2024 NISHIHARA Masashi
ニシハラ マサシ | NISHIHARA Masashi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Assistant Professor
Research field (1):
Papers (27): -
*Soo Y, Zietz A, Yiu B, Mok VCT, Polymeris AA, Seiffge D, Ambler G, Wilson D, Leung TWH, Tsang SF, et al. Impact of Cerebral Microbleeds in Stroke Patients with Atrial Fibrillation. Ann Neurol, 94(1)61-74. 2023. 94. 1. 61-74
○Ikeda S, Yakushiji Y, Tanaka J, Nishihara M, Ogata A, Eriguchi M, Ono S, Kosugi M, Suzuyama K, Mizoguchi M, et al. Hypertension, cerebral Amyloid, aGe Associated Known neuroimaging markers of cerebral small vessel disease Undertaken with stroke REgistry (HAGAKURE) prospective cohort study: Baseline characteristics and association of cerebral small vessel disease with prognosis in an ischemic stroke cohort. Front Aging Neurosci, Vol.15,1117851. 2023. 15. 1117851
Martí-Fàbregas JCamps-Renom P, Best JG, Ramos-Pachon A, Guasch-Jiménez M, Martinez-Domeño A, Guisado-Alonso D, Gómez-Ansón BM, Ambler G, Wilson D, Lee KJ, et al. Stroke Risk and Antithrombotic Treatment During Follow-up of Patients With Ischemic Stroke and Cortical Superficial Siderosis. Neurology 100(12)e1267-e1281. 2023. 100. 12. e1267-e1281
*Kanta Tanaka, Kaori Miwa, Masahito Takagi, Makoto Sasaki, Yusuke Yakushiji, Kohsuke Kudo, Masayuki Shiozawa, Jun Tanaka, Masashi Nishihara, Yoshitaka Yamaguchi, Kyohei Fujita, Yuko Honda, Hiroyuki Kawano, Toshihiro Ide, Sohei Yoshimura, Masatoshi Koga, Teruyuki Hirano, Kazunori Toyoda. Increased Cerebral Small Vessel Disease Burden With Renal Dysfunction and Albuminuria in Patients Taking Antithrombotic Agents: The Bleeding With Antithrombotic Therapy 2. J Am Heart Assoc. 2022. 11. 6. e024749
○Chika Shichijo, Keita Kai, Kazuki Jinnouchi, Masashi Nishihara, Hideo Hara, Shinichi Aishima. Intracranial Monckeberg's Atherosclerosis Is Frequently Found in Autopsy Cases of Advanced Stage Malignancy with Cerebral Infarction. Cancers (Basel). 2021. 13. 20. 5234
more... MISC (12): -
○Makoto Eriguchi, Hiroo Katsuya, Keisuke Kidoguchi, Hiroshi Ureshino, Nishi Masanori, Masashi Nishihara, Motoshi Sonoda, Masataka Ishimura, Shinya Kimura, Hideo Hara. CASE REPORT Immune dysregulation syndrome with CTLA4 mutation showing multiple central nervous system lesions. Clinical and experimental neuroimmunology. 2022. 13. 2. 116-120
○Eriguchi M, Yakushiji Y, Tanaka J, Nishihara M, Hara H. Thrombolysis-related Multiple Lobar Hemorrhaging in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy with Extensive Strictly Lobar Cerebral Microbleeding. Intern Med. 2017. 56. 14. 1907-1910
西原正志、野口智幸、安座間真也、入江裕之、北村茂利、緒方 学、田北 諭. 頸動脈術後のCT・MRI:当院における初期経験. Neuro-Imaging conference筑後・佐賀 症例集2015. 2016. 19
西原正志、野口智幸. 灌流画像のグリオーマ診断における有用性. 臨床画像 特集:グリオーマ:画像診断の基礎から最近の知見まで. 2015. 31. 10. 1220-1227
*Noguchi T, Nishihara M, Hara Y, Hirai T, Egashira Y, Azama S, Irie H. A Technical Perspective for Understanding Quantitative Arterial Spin-labeling MR Imaging using Q2TIPS. Magn Reson Med Sci. 2015. 14. 1. 1-12
more... Books (14): - III脳疾患のおさえどころ 03 脳腫瘍/頭蓋骨腫瘍 線維性骨異形成症(fi brous dysplasia)
- III脳疾患のおさえどころ 03 脳腫瘍/頭蓋骨腫瘍 軟骨肉腫(chondrosarcoma)
- III脳疾患のおさえどころ 03 脳腫瘍/頭蓋骨腫瘍 脊索腫(chordoma)
- III脳疾患のおさえどころ 03 脳腫瘍/頭蓋骨腫瘍 グロームス腫瘍(glomus tumor)
- III脳疾患のおさえどころ 03 脳腫瘍/頭蓋骨腫瘍 くも膜嚢胞(arachnoid cyst)
more... Lectures and oral presentations (31): -
1 兄弟に生じた副腎白質ジストロフィーの画像所見
(第194回日本医学放射線学会九州地方会/第57回日本核医学会九州地方会/第4回日本核医学会九州・沖縄支部会(WEB開催), 2022, 2,13(Zoom) 2022)
(第50回断層映像研究会(ハイブリッド開催), 2022, 9,30-10, 1(現地開催+LIVE配信) 2022)
(第193回日本医学放射線学会九州地方会(WEB開催), 2021, 6,13 (ZOOM) 2021)
(第33回日本神経免疫学会学術集会 /第20回イスラエル神経免疫学会 合同開催(WEB開催), 2021,10,21- 22(ライブ配信), 2021,11, 5-12, 3(オンデマンド配信), 2021,10,20-23(第20回イスラエル神経免疫学会) 2021)
(第42回九州IVR研究会, 2019.12.21 2019)
more... Education (1): Professional career (1): Work history (5): - 2013/04 - 現在 Saga University Faculty of Medical Care University Hospital, Radiology Center Assistant Professor
- 2008/04 - 2013/03 Saga University Faculty of Medical Care University Hospital, Clinical Department of Radiology
- 2006/04 - 2008/03 佐賀県立病院好生館 放射線科 医員
- 2005/04 - 2006/03 白石共立病院 医師
- 2003/05 - 2005/03 Saga University Faculty of Medical Care University Hospital, Clinical Department of Radiology
Association Membership(s) (2):
The japanese Society of Neuroradiology
, 日本医学放射線学会
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