J-GLOBAL ID:202401018528610775
Update date: Nov. 13, 2024 SUGIYAMA SHOTARO
スギヤマ ショウタロウ | SUGIYAMA SHOTARO
Affiliation and department: MISC (9): -
Sugiyama Syotaro, Tezuka Kosuke. The Relationship Between Image of Programming and Computational Thinking in Teacher Training Courses. 2022. 43. 2. 83-90
The Relationship between Meta-Cognitive and Computational Thinking of Junior High School Student. 2022. 46. Suppl. 209-212
Sugiyama Syotaro, Tezuka Kosuke, Ito Daiki, Ichihara Yasushi. Understanding of Information Security Awareness of University Students in Teacher Training Courses. 2021. 43. 1. 1-8
Sugiyama Syotaro, Ito Daiki, Ichihara Yasushi, Nakahara Hisashi, Furumoto Takumi. Relationship between Metacognitive Characteristics and Computational Thinking for University Students : Focusing on the qualities required of students in faculties of education. 2020. 42. 1. 39-48
Furumoto Takumi, Ichihara Yasushi, Nakahara Hisashi, Sugiyama Syotaro. A Study of the Relationship between Junior High School Students' Computational Thinking and Programing Education. 2020. 41. 2. 181-191
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