J-GLOBAL ID:202401018868406978
Update date: Feb. 10, 2025 TERAZAKI YASUHIRO
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2006 - 肺癌間質における炎症応答と癌増殖
- 2001 - 癌に対するCD9の分子作用解明とCD9遺伝子治療の開発
- 2000 - 胃癌の肝転移、腹膜播種に対するコンビネーション遺伝子治療の研究
Papers (15): -
宮本詩子, 武田雄二, 寺崎泰宏, 加藤 剛, 桑原雄基, 久保田未央, 岩永健太郎, 安座間真也. 気管支動脈塞栓により安全に軟性気管支鏡下摘出診断しえた気管支粘表皮癌. 胸部外科. 2023. 76. 8. 619-622
Yamamoto H, Soh J, Okumura N, Suzuki H, Nakata M, Fujiwara T, Gemba K, Sano I, Fujinaga T, Kataoka M, Terazaki Y, Fujimoto N, Kataoka K, Kosaka S, Yamashita M, Inokawa H, Inoue M, Nakamura N, Yamashita Y, Hotta K, Yoshioka H, Morita S, Matsuo K, Sakamoto J, Date H, Toyooka S. Randomized phase II study of daily versus alternate-day administrations of S-1 for the elderly patients with completely resected pathological stage IA (tumor diameter > 2 cm)-IIIA of non-small cell lung cancer: Setouchi Lung Cancer Group Study 1201. PLOS ONE. 2023. 19. 18(5). e0285273
Kashihara M, Azuma K, Kawahara A, Basaki Y, Hattori S, Yanagawa T, Terazaki Y,Takamori S, Shirouzu K, Aizawa H, Nakano K, Kage M, Kuwano M, Ono M. Nuclear Y-box binding protein-1, a predictive marker of prognosis, is correlated with expression of HER2/ErbB2 and HER3/ErbB3 in non-small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol. 2009. 4. 9. 1066-74
Fujimoto K, Takamori S, Yano H, Sadohara J, Matsuo T, Terazaki Y, Ishibashi M, Hayabuchi N. Focal cholesterol granuloma in the anterior mediastinum: [18F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose-positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings. J Thorac Oncol. 2007. 2. 11. 1054-6
Azuma K, Komohara Y, Sasada T, Terazaki Y, Ikeda J, Hoshino T, Itoh K, Yamada A, Aizawa H. Excision repair cross-complementation group 1 predicts progression-free and overall survival in non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with platinum-based chemotherapy. Cancer Sci. 2007. 98. 9. 1336-43
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