J-GLOBAL ID:202501002810083560
Update date: Feb. 04, 2025 SATO Shota
サトウ ショウタ | SATO Shota
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Papers (3): -
Shota Sato, Sachiko Iijima. Evaluation of a Web-based learning system for skills in removing personal protective equipment for highly infectious diseases-A randomized controlled trial. Infection control and hospital epidemiology. 2023. 44. 7. 1131-1136
Shota SATO, Sayaka HOSHINO, Saori MISTUHASHI, Yoko MURANAKA. An Empirical Study of Contamination Due to Differences in the Way in Which Personal Protective Equipment (Protective Coveralls) is Removed. 2020. 16. 2. 20-33
Shota SATO, Yoko MURANAKA. Survey on Personal Protective Equipment Use for Emerging Infectious Diseases in Medical Institutions Designated for Specified and Type I Infectious Diseases. 2018. 14. 2. 69-75
MISC (3): -
Shota SATO. Literature Review on Effective Educational Training for the Acquisition of Donning and Doffing Personal Protective Equipment Skills for Highly Infectious Diseases. 2024. 49. 1. 1-11
Shota Sato, Sachiko Iijima, Yoko Muranaka. Development and Evaluation of a Web-Based System to Learn Skills for Removing Personal Protective Equipment for Highly Infectious Diseases. Studies in health technology and informatics. 2021. 284. 173-174
Shota SATO, Sachiko IIJIMA. A Literature Review of Skills in Putting on and Removing Personal Protective Equipment for Highly Infectious Diseases. 2021. 17. 2. 61-76
Lectures and oral presentations (12): -
(日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集(CD-ROM) 2023)
(防衛衛生 2022)
個人防護具着脱技術学習用Web教材の使用による脱衣技術の保持に対する学習効果の評価 ランダム化並行群間比較
(日本環境感染学会総会プログラム・抄録集 2021)
(日本看護科学学会学術集会講演集 2020)
(グローバルヘルス合同大会プログラム・抄録集 2020)
more... Professional career (1): - PhD (Juntendo University)
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