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J-GLOBAL ID:202501006727561235   Update date: Feb. 19, 2025

Sunakawa Hironori

Sunakawa Hironori
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2023 - 2026 Development of an innovative medical device to resolve benign esophageal stricture by heating and traction
Papers (39):
  • Takashi Watanabe, Tatsuro Murano, Hiroaki Ikematsu, Kensuke Shinmura, Masashi Wakabayashi, Nobuhisa Minakata, Sasabe Maasa, Tomohiro Mitsui, Hiroki Yamashita, Atsushi Inaba, et al. Impact of advanced endoscopy training on colonoscopy quality and efficiency. DEN open. 2025. 5. 1. e70027
  • Hiroaki Ikematsu, Yohei Takara, Keiichiro Nishihara, Yuki Kano, Yuji Owaki, Ryuji Okamoto, Takahisa Fujiwara, Toshihiro Takamatsu, Masayuki Yamada, Yutaka Tomioka, et al. Possibility of determining high quantitative fecal occult blood on stool surface using hyperspectral imaging. Journal of gastroenterology. 2025. 60. 1. 77-85
  • Atsushi Inaba, Kensuke Shinmura, Hiroki Matsuzaki, Nobuyoshi Takeshita, Masashi Wakabayashi, Hironori Sunakawa, Keiichiro Nakajo, Tatsuro Murano, Tomohiro Kadota, Hiroaki Ikematsu, et al. Smartphone application for artificial intelligence-based evaluation of stool state during bowel preparation before colonoscopy. Digestive endoscopy : official journal of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. 2024. 36. 12. 1338-1346
  • Atsushi Inaba, Hiroaki Ikematsu, Motohiro Kojima, Naoya Sakamoto, Masashi Wakabayashi, Hironori Sunakawa, Keiichiro Nakajo, Tatsuro Murano, Tomohiro Kadota, Kensuke Shinmura, et al. Association between pathological T1 colorectal cancer with lymphoid follicular replacement and risk of lymph node metastasis. Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology. 2024. 39. 12. 2631-2638
  • Nobuhisa Minakata, Tomohiro Kadota, Shingo Sakashita, Atsushi Inaba, Hironori Sunakawa, Kenji Takashima, Keiichiro Nakajo, Tatsuro Murano, Kensuke Shinmura, Yusuke Yoda, et al. Tumor thickness is associated with metastasis in patients with submucosal invasive adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction. Diseases of the esophagus : official journal of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus. 2024. 37. 12
MISC (126):
  • 藤原敬久, 中條恵一郎, 山下大生, 稲場淳, 砂川弘憲, 門田智裕, 新村健介, 矢野友規. Risk factors for oropharyngolaryngoesophageal neoplastic lesions and identification of high-risk groups. 消化器内視鏡. 2025. 37. 1. 41-44
  • 遠藤 南, 稲場 淳, 砂川 弘憲, 新村 健介. G-master導入前後における当院のtraineeによる大腸ESDの治療成績についての検討. Progress of Digestive Endoscopy. 2024. 106. Suppl. s68-s68
  • 稲場 淳, 砂川 弘憲, 中條 恵一郎, 門田 智裕, 矢野 友規. 早期胃癌に対するESD周術期管理支援アプリケーションのUsabilityに関する検討. Progress of Digestive Endoscopy. 2024. 106. Suppl. s90-s90
  • 中條 恵一郎, 砂川 弘憲, 門田 智裕, 矢野 友規. 食道狭窄肛門側に局在する食道表在癌に対するESD前の、狭窄に対するradial incision and cutting methodの有効性及び安全性. Progress of Digestive Endoscopy. 2024. 106. Suppl. s91-s91
  • 山崎 剛明, 砂川 弘憲, 中條 恵一郎, 門田 智裕, 矢野 友規. 上部消化管の腫瘍出血に対する吸収性局所止血剤を用いた止血術の検討. Progress of Digestive Endoscopy. 2024. 106. Suppl. s95-s95
Patents (3):
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