2019 - 2023 Development of instructional methods to encourage English language learners to recognize errors in verb argument structure
2017 - 2021 Development of efficient teaching method of English based on the results of SLA research
2014 - 2017 Cleft constructions and expletive pronouns in English and Japanese: A view from L2 acquisition studies
2014 - 2017 The analyses of L2 English learners' errors on verb classification and effects of explicit instruction
2008 - 2010 Effects of Short-term Study Abroad Programs on the Development of English Skills : Improvement of Writing Skill and Fossilization
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Papers (3):
Takako Kondo, Tomohiko Shirahata, Koji Suda, Mutsumi Ogawa and Hideki Yokota. Effects of explicit instruction on intransitive and transitive verbs in second language English: with a special focus on non-instructed verbs. Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan (ARELE). 2020. 31. 81-96
Tomohiko Shirahata, Takako Kondo, Koji Suda, Ayano Otaki, Mutsumi Ogawa and Hideki Yokota. The Learning and Teaching of Inanimate Subjects: The Case of Japanese Learners of ,English. Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan. 2019. 30. 1-16
Tomohiko Shirahata, Takako Kondo, Koji Suda and Hideki Yokota. The effect of explicit instruction and error correction on learners’ grammatical accuracy: in the case of Japanese learners of English as a second language. cauce: Revista internacional de filologia, ,comunicacion y sus didácticas. 2017. 59-66
MISC (6):
Shirahata Tomohiko, Yokota Hideki, Suda Koji, Kondo Takako, Ogawa Mutsumi. The Acquisition of Subject Wh-questions by Japanese Learners of English. Second Language. 2022. 20. 5-26
近藤 隆子. Explicit instruction on English verb structures in L2 classrooms. New Perspectives on the Development of Key Competencies in Foreign Language Education. 2018. 印刷中
白畑 知彦, 近藤 隆子. The Interaction of Animacy with the Wh-extraction by Japanese Learners of English. Proceedings of PacSLRF2016. 2017. 1. 181-186
近藤 隆子. Occurrences of Unaccusative Verbs in English Textbooks and their Acquisition. Journal of the Chubu English Language Education Society. 2016. 45. 53-60