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J-GLOBAL ID:202501016472835218   Update date: Mar. 17, 2025

KONDO Takako

コンドウ タカコ | KONDO Takako
Affiliation and department:
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (6):
  • 2023 - 2026 日本人英語学習者のおかす動詞構造に関わる誤りの調査・分析とその英語教育への応用
  • 2019 - 2023 Development of instructional methods to encourage English language learners to recognize errors in verb argument structure
  • 2017 - 2021 Development of efficient teaching method of English based on the results of SLA research
  • 2014 - 2017 Cleft constructions and expletive pronouns in English and Japanese: A view from L2 acquisition studies
  • 2014 - 2017 The analyses of L2 English learners' errors on verb classification and effects of explicit instruction
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Papers (3):
  • Takako Kondo, Tomohiko Shirahata, Koji Suda, Mutsumi Ogawa and Hideki Yokota. Effects of explicit instruction on intransitive and transitive verbs in second language English: with a special focus on non-instructed verbs. Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan (ARELE). 2020. 31. 81-96
  • Tomohiko Shirahata, Takako Kondo, Koji Suda, Ayano Otaki, Mutsumi Ogawa and Hideki Yokota. The Learning and Teaching of Inanimate Subjects: The Case of Japanese Learners of ,English. Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan. 2019. 30. 1-16
  • Tomohiko Shirahata, Takako Kondo, Koji Suda and Hideki Yokota. The effect of explicit instruction and error correction on learners’ grammatical accuracy: in the case of Japanese learners of English as a second language. cauce: Revista internacional de filologia, ,comunicacion y sus didácticas. 2017. 59-66
MISC (6):
  • Shirahata Tomohiko, Yokota Hideki, Suda Koji, Kondo Takako, Ogawa Mutsumi. The Acquisition of Subject Wh-questions by Japanese Learners of English. Second Language. 2022. 20. 5-26
  • 近藤 隆子. Explicit instruction on English verb structures in L2 classrooms. New Perspectives on the Development of Key Competencies in Foreign Language Education. 2018. 印刷中
  • 白畑 知彦, 近藤 隆子. The Interaction of Animacy with the Wh-extraction by Japanese Learners of English. Proceedings of PacSLRF2016. 2017. 1. 181-186
  • 近藤 隆子. Occurrences of Unaccusative Verbs in English Textbooks and their Acquisition. Journal of the Chubu English Language Education Society. 2016. 45. 53-60
  • 近藤 隆子, 白畑 知彦. 自動詞・他動詞構造の混同軽減のための明示的指導に関する一考察-明示的指導の提示方法に焦点を当てて-. 中部地区英語教育学会紀要. 2015. 第44号. 57-64
Books (3):
  • 第二言語習得研究の波及効果 : コアグラマーから発話まで
    くろしお出版 2020 ISBN:9784874248263
  • 言語習得研究の応用可能性 : 理論から指導・脳科学へ
    くろしお出版 2019 ISBN:9784874248065
  • 第二言語習得キーターム事典
    開拓社 2017 ISBN:9784758922456
Professional career (1):
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Language and Linguistics (University of Essex, UK)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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