J-GLOBAL ID:202501016909625625
Update date: Mar. 18, 2025 Matsuura Yukie
マツウラ ユキエ | Matsuura Yukie
Affiliation and department: Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): - 2020 - 2024 Longitudinal study on menstrual-related symptom changes among Vietnamese female students studying abroad
Papers (26): -
Yukie Matsuura, Toshiyuki Yasui. Coping with Menopausal Symptoms among Japanese Teachers : Associations with Symptom Severity and Knowledge. The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI. 2025. 72. 85-92
Matsuura Yukie, Yasui Toshiyuki. Associations of menopausal symptoms with job-related stress and social support in Japanese school teachers. Maturitas. 2024. Vol.191. 108152-108152
Matsuura Yukie, Tran HoangNam, Yasui Toshiyuki. Association between Menstruation-Related Symptoms and the Type of Stress in Japanese Female University Students: A Prospective Cohort Study from Admission to the Second Year. Women. 2024. Vol.4. No.3. 254-264
Tran HoangNam, Phan Ngoc Quang, Matsuura Yukie, Dang Bao Ngoc. Examining the Nursing Workforce Shortage in Vietnam: Implications for Nursing Education. The IAFOR International Conference on Education in Hawaii 2024 Official Conference Proceedings. 2024. Vol.2024. 621-630
Matsuura Yukie, Tran HoangNam, Binh Thanh Nguyen, Quang Ngoc Phan, Kien Trung Nguyen, Yasui Toshiyuki. Menstruation-Related Symptoms and Associated Factors among Female University Students in Vietnam. Youth. 2024. Vol.4. No.1. 344-356
more... MISC (6): -
Yasui Toshiyuki, Matsuura Yukie, Kawakita Takako, Yoshida Kanako, Iwasa Takeshi. 女性の健康と性ホルモン. 老年医学. 2021. Vol.59. No.1. 67-74
Yasui Toshiyuki, Matsuura Yukie, Kawakita Takako, Yoshida Kanako, Iwasa Takeshi. 不妊治療における漢方の作用機序. 漢方と最新治療. 2020. Vol.29. No.4. 221-228
Yasui Toshiyuki, Matsuura Yukie. III.更年期・老年期 更年期のうつ. 臨床婦人科産科 特集 産婦人科処方のすべて2020-症例に応じた実践マニュアル. 2020. Vol.74. No.4. 114-118
Yasui Toshiyuki, Matsuura Yukie, Kawakita Takako, Yoshida Kanako. OC・LEPの有害事象. Japanese Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science. 2020. Vol.77. No.10. 1367-1374
Yasui Toshiyuki, Matsuura Yukie. 女性のメンタルヘルスケアと漢方薬. Clinical Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2019. Vol.73. No.8. 772-779
more... Books (1): - ナーシング・グラフィカEX 疾患と看護9女性生殖器:2章 女性生殖器の疾患と看護
Medicus SHUPPAN 2020
Lectures and oral presentations (10): -
Examining the Nursing Workforce Shortage in Vietnam: Implications for Nursing Education
(The IAFOR International Conference on Education in Hawaii (IICE2024) 2024)
(第38回日本女性医学学会学術集会 2023)
Bridging Cultures: The Phenomenon of 'Betonamujinron' in Japan
(International Symposium "Japanese language education and Japanese studies - Global trends and Vietnam's practices" 2023)
Exploring Menstrual Symptom Changes in Freshwomen Students: A Prospective Cohort Study
(International Conference for Public Health, Environment, and Education for Sustainable Development Goals and Lifelong Learning 2023)
Exploring Student Interest in Global Health as a Component of Medical English Education
(The European Conference on Education (ECE2023) 2023)
more... Work history (1): - 2018/09 - Assistant Professor, Department of Reproductive and Menopausal Medicine, Tokushima University, Institute of Biomedical Sciences
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