- Nishino Taneo
Former Institution / Organization Kobe City College of Technology
固体物性Ι(光物性・半導体・誘電体), 電子・電気材料工学, 応用物性・結晶工学, Semiconductor and Dielectrics), Solid-State PhysicsΙ(Optical Properties, Electronic and Electric Materials Engineering, Applied Physics of Property and Crystallography
- Yanagi Hisao
分子ナノテクノロジー, 有機半導体, Organic Semiconductor, 分子デバイス, Molecular Nanotechnology, 有機半導体レーザー, Organic Semiconductor Laser, Molecular Device
- Yamashita Kenichi
Kyoto Institute of Technology Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Electronics
Lead-halide perovskite, polariton, 光デバイス, 半導体光物性, ポリマー導波路デバイス, 有機フォトニクス