Permeable Boundaries Between Popular and Professional Scientific Knowledge in George Eliot's Works (Literature and Science in History: Japanese Reception and Reflection CoSciLit in Asia Hybrid Conference 2024)
Revelation Through Dissimulation: The Relevance of Pseudonymity in George Eliot's Writings (British Association for Victorian Studies (BAVS) Conference 2022 2022)
Revelation Through Dissimulation: The Relevance of Pseudonymity in Geroge Eliot's Writings (British Association for Victorian Studies (BAVS) Conference 2022 2022)
「深淵なる重要性を帯びた影響」ーその探求の魅惑 Jane AustenとGeorge Eliotの匿名性と作品を取り巻く「視点」 (日本ジョージ・エリオット協会第24回全国大会 2021)
George Eliot 2019: International Bicentenary Conferenceの報告とこれからのエリオット研究 (日本ジョージ・エリオット協会第23回全国大会 2019)
<i>Romola</i>: The Reception of the Novel in Japan through its Translations (George Eliot 2019: An International Bicentenary Conference 2019)