Improvement of Inter-Laminar Strength and Mode I Inter-Laminar Fracture Toughness of Uni-Direction CFRTP Laminate by Ultrasonic Needle Punching (第44回複合材料シンポジウム 2019)
Effect of Densification of SiC-C/C Composites Modified by Glass Fiber in Precursor Resin on Friction Properties (第44回複合材料シンポジウム 2019)
Measurement of Fracture Toughness by using CNRB specimen (日本機械学会材料力学部門若手シンポジウム2019 2019)
Numerical Simulation of Laser Joining Plastic Plates with Nano-Hybrid Sheet (The Proceedings of The Computational Mechanics Conference 2016)
080 Determination of dimension of circumferential notched round bar specimen for fracture toughness test (The Computational Mechanics Conference 2015)
Development of Binder-Less Composite by Using Decomposed Bamboo Biomass (The 11th China-Japan Joint Conference on Composite Materials 2014)
Mode I Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Hot Needle Punched CFRTP (The 9th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials 2014)
G0310701 Effect of Microstructure on Strength Properties under Corrosive Environment of Al-Mg-Zn Series Alloy (Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2014)
G0110105 Determination of Defect Occurrence Function of Injection Molded Magnesium Alloy Products by Numerical Simulation (Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2014)
Superheated Vapor Treatment for Decomposition of Bamboo Biomass (The 8th International Conference on Green Composites 2014)
Proposing of Image Interpolation Method Considering Conservation of Brightness Energy and Its Application for Digital Image Measurement (2014)