J-GLOBAL ID:200901013628480535
Update date: Nov. 20, 2024
Tobita Kazuteru
トビタ カズテル | Tobita Kazuteru
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (2):
Research field (4):
Rehabilitation science
, Measurement engineering
, Mechanics and mechatronics
, Robotics and intelligent systems
Research keywords (6):
Image processing
, Safety of service robot
, mechatronics
, precision measurement
, robot
, encoder
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
Papers (17):
Kazuteru Tobita, Kazuhiro Mima. Enhanced Detection of Musical Performance Timings Using MediaPipe and Multilayer Perceptron Classifier. AI, Computer Science and Robotics Technology. 2024. 3. 1. 1-15
Kazuteru Tobita, Ryusuke Ishikawa. Neural-network-based motion detection of a music performer from 3D position history and experimental results on an automated pure intonation musical ensemble. The 12th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (TSME-ICoME 2022) AIP Conf. Proc. 2024. 3086. 1. 070001-1-070001-8
Q. Wang, Y. Shikanai, K. Mima, K. Tobita. Semantic Mapping and Voice User Interface Based on ORB-SLAM and YOLO for Navigating Visually Impaired Person. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering. 2024. 12. 1. 1-15
Kazuteru Tobita, Kazuhiro Mima. Azimuth Angle Detection Method Combining AKAZE Features and Optical Flow for Measuring Movement Accuracy. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics. 2023. 35. 2. 371-379
Kazuteru Tobita, Yoshihito Shikanai, Kazuhiro Mima. Study on automatic operation of manual wheelchair -Prototype and basic experiments-. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics. 2021. 33. 1. 69-77
MISC (85):
Mao Nabeta, Kazuteru Tobita, Seiya Nakamura, Kazuhiro Mima. Study on Risk Reduction in Localization of Cloud-Supported Autonomous Mobile Robots. 2024
美馬 一博, 飛田 和輝. YOLACTと直交型ロボットを使った靴そろえの事例 IM5-6. 第29回知能メカトロニクスワークショップ2024. 2024
藤本祐, 飛田和輝, 美馬一博. 移動ロボット用位置姿勢測定装置に関する研究-YOLOとレーザ距離計による位置検出・AKAZE特徴量による方位角検出-. 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2024. 2024
飛田和輝. 機械工学科における物体検出AI活用ロボットPBLの試み. 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2024. 2024
滝悠太, 飛田和輝. トロンボーンの人工吹鳴のためのアパチュアの影響に関する考察. 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2024. 2024
Patents (28):
Books (1):
Education (4):
- 1999 - 2002 The University of Electro-Communications Graduate School of Electro-Communications
- 1997 - 1999 The University of Electro-Communications Graduate School of Electro-Communications
- 1993 - 1996 The University of Electro-Communications Faculty of Electro-Communications
- 1990 - 1993 佼成学園高等学校
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D. in Engineering (The University of Electro-Communications)
Work history (9):
- 2022/04 - 現在 Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering Professor
- 2018/04 - 2022/03 Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology Associate Professor
- 2016/06 - 2018/03 NSK Ltd.
- 2015/11 - 2017/03 Jichi Medical University
- 2013/11 - 2016/06 NSK Ltd.
- 2012/04 - 2014/03 The University of Electro-Communications
- 2008/10 - 2013/11 NSK Ltd.
- 2004/04 - 2008/10 NSK Ltd.
- 2002/04 - 2004/03 The University of Electro-Communications
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Committee career (7):
- 2021/04 - 現在 モータドライブ応用研究会 幹事
- 2019/04 - 現在 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Tokai student branch advisor
- 2022/03 - 2024/04 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Tokai branch councilor
- 2019/04 - 2021/03 The Robotics Society of Japan Editorial committee
- 2019/03 - 2020/02 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Tokai branch councilor
- 2013 - 2014 ロボットビジネス推進協議会 医療福祉WG 委員
- 2000 - 2002 Industry-academia collaborative study group, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering Secretary
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Awards (12):
- 2024/05 - 精密工学会2024年度春季大会学術講演会 【指導学生の受賞】ベストプレゼンテーション賞 環状走査式距離測定を用いた超精密方位角検出に関する研究(第2報)-減速機出力軸エンコーダによる計測の安定化-
- 2024/03 - 日本機械学会東海支部第55回学生員卒業研究発表講演会 【指導学生の受賞】Best Presentation Award 介護施設における手動車椅子の自律走行化ロボットに関する研究
- 2020/12 - The 11th Thai Society of Mechanical Engineers International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Best Paper Runner-Up Award Concept and Prototype of the Pure Intonation Ensemble System
- 2019/12 - The 10th Thai Society of Mechanical Engineers International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Best Paper Runner-Up Award The Conception of an Autonomous Traveling Manual Wheelchair and a Study on its Localization
- 2018/12 - The 9th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Best Paper Award Principle and Robotic Applications of Conical Scanning Method
- 2015/11 - 日本精工株式会社 未来技術開発センター長賞 ガイダンスロボット実証実験
- 2012/11 - 日本精工株式会社 メカトロ技術開発センター長賞 ヒューマンアシストロボットの開発
- 2010/11 - 日本精工株式会社 メカトロ技術開発センター長賞 ヒューマンアシストロボットガイダンス技術の開発
- 2007/11 - 日本精工株式会社 メカトロ技術開発センター長賞 自律的に階段昇降可能な四脚車輪型ロボットの開発
- 2004/09 - The Japan Society for Precision Engineering Takagi award
- 2002/03 - 電気通信大学 田中榮賞
- 1997/03 - The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Hatakeyama award
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Association Membership(s) (5):
, Japan Society for Comprehensive Communication Science
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