J-GLOBAL ID:200901013643836974
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024 YASUMURA Motoi
ヤスムラ モトイ | YASUMURA Motoi
- 責任著者]H. Watanabe, 共著者]T. Miyake, K, Matsumoto,T, Tsuchimoto, H. Isoda, Motoi Yasumura. Seismic design cases of CLT buildings in Japan after 2014. Proceedings of 2016 WCTE. 2016. (vol)1. (num). (xxx)-(zzz)
- 責任著者]M. Sato, 共著者]N. Kawai, T. Miyake, Motoi Yasumura, H. Isoda, M. Koshihara. Structural design of five-story and three-story specimen of the shaking table test. Proceedings of 2016 WCTE. 2016. (vol)1. (num). (xxx)-(zzz)
- 責任著者, 小林研治, 共著者]K. Hayashi, Motoi Yasumura. Cyclic bending properties of screws for prediction of fracture lifetime of the fasteners and joints. Proceedings of 2016 WCTE. 2016. (vol)1. (num). (xxx)-(zzz)
- 責任著者, 河合直人, 共著者]T. Miyake, Motoi Yasumura, H. Isoda, M. Koshihara, S. Nakajima. Full scale shake table tests on five story and three story CLT building structures. Proceedings of 2016 WCTE. 2016. (vol)1. (num). (xxx)-(zzz)
- 責任著者, 三宅辰哉, 共著者]Motoi yasumura, N. Kawai, H. Isoda, M, Koshihara,T. Tsucimoto. Structural possibility of CLT panel constructions in high seismic area. Proceedings of 2016 WCTE. 2016. (vol)1. (num). (xxx)-(zzz)
- 責任著者, 安村 基, 共著者, 小林研治, 岡部実. Failure analysis of CLT shear walls with opening subjected to horizontal and vertical loads. Proceedings of 2016 WCTE. 2016. (vol)1. (num). (xxx)-(zzz)
- ヒューマン・エコロジーをつくる. 共立出版. 2010
- 木ねじ接合部における一面せん断耐力の降伏理論による推定. 日本建築学会構造系論文集. 2008. 73. 632. 1797-1804
- 責任著者]Ario Ceccotti, 共著者]Maurizio Follesa, Marco Pio Lauriola, Carmen S,haas,Chikahiro Minowa, Naohito Kawai, Motoi Yasumura. Which seismic behaviour factor for multi-storey buildings made of cross-laminated wooden panels?. Proceedings of CIB-W18. 2006. 39-15-2. 1-8
- 木質構造設計規準・同解説. 日本建築学会. 2006
- M Yasumura, S Yasui. Pseudodynamic tests and earthquake response analysis of timber structures I: plywood-sheathed conventional wooden walls with opening. JOURNAL OF WOOD SCIENCE. 2006. 52. 1. 63-68
- M Yasumura, T Kamada, Y Imura, M Uesugi, L Daudeville. Pseudodynamic tests and earthquake response analysis of timber structures II: two-level conventional wooden structures with plywood sheathed shear walls. JOURNAL OF WOOD SCIENCE. 2006. 52. 1. 69-74
- Which seismic behaviour factor for multi-storey buildings made of cross-laminated wooden panels?. Proceedings of CIB-W18. 2006. 39-15-2. 1-8
- 責任著者, Erol Karacabeyli, 共著者]Motoi Yasumura, G C Foliente, Ario Ceccotti. Background information on ISO standard 16670 for cyclic testing of connections,. Proceedings of CIB-W18,. 2005. 38-15-1. 1-10
- Background information on ISO standard 16670 for cyclic testing of connections,. Proceedings of CIB-W18,. 2005. 38-15-1. 1-10
- 責任著者, Nicolas Richard, 共著者]Laurent Daudeville, Motoi Yasumura. Seismic response of timber frame structures: experiment and finite element modeling,. Proceedings of WCTE 2004. 2004. 2. 389-394
- 責任著者, Motoi Yasumura, 共著者]Imura Yutaka, Motoi Uesugi. Evaluation of seismic performance of timber structures with shear walls by pseudodynamic tests,. Proceedings of WCTE 2004,. 2004. 3. 441-444
- 責任著者, Motoi Yasumura, 共著者]Motoi Uesugi, Luc Davenne. Estimating 3D behavior of conventional timber structures with shear walls by pseudo-dynamic tests,. Proceedings of CIB-W18,. 2004. 37-15-1. 1-9
- 責任著者, Nicolas Richard, 共著者]Laurent Daudeville, Motoi Yasumura. Calcule dynamique de structures en bois fonde sur les comportements des assemblages. Revue francaise de Genie Civil. 2004. 8. 289-302
- Seismic response of timber frame structures: experiment and finite element modeling,. Proceedings of WCTE 2004. 2004. 2. 389-394
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