J-GLOBAL ID:200901018806569466
Update date: Nov. 18, 2024
Itoh Toshimasa
イトウ トシマサ | Itoh Toshimasa
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (2):
Pharmaceuticals - chemistry and drug development
, Structural biochemistry
Research keywords (9):
, NMR-構造解析
, X-線結晶構造解析
, 構造生物学
, 創薬化学
, Drug design
, Fatty Acid
, Nuclear Receptor
, Structural Study
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 2018 - 2021 A study of covalent modifier evaluation method using HDX
- 2008 - 2010 Role of ligands for allosteric network of nuclear receptors
Papers (72):
Tetsuya Yano, Takahiro Yamada, Hiroaki Isida, Nami Ohashi, Toshimasa Itoh. 2-cyanopyridine derivatives enable N-terminal cysteine bioconjugation and peptide bond cleavage of glutathione under aqueous and mild conditions. RSC Advances. 2024
Yuko Ishida, Erika Goto, Yuki Haga, Makoto Kubo, Toshimasa Itoh, Chie Kasai, Harunobu Tsuzuki, Miyune Nakamura, Osami Shoji, Keiko Yamamoto, et al. Enhanced metabolism of 2,3′,4,4′,5-pentachlorobiphenyl (CB118) by bacterial cytochrome P450 monooxygenase mutants of Bacillus megaterium. Science of The Total Environment. 2023. 890. 164475-164475
Hiroyuki Kojima, Ryota Yanagi, Eri Higuchi, Mami Yoshizawa, Tomoyuki Shimodaira, Misaki Kumagai, Tatsuhiro Kyoya, Miyu Sekine, Daichi Egawa, Nami Ohashi, et al. Covalent Modifier Discovery Using Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange-Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2023. 66. 7. 4827-4839
Miyu Sekine, Hiroaki Ishida, Toshimasa Itoh. Synthesis of Triazolo[c]coumarins and Differences in the Fluorescence Properties of Their Isomers. Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2023. 12. 5
Terushi Ito, Chiharu Miwa, Yuki Haga, Makoto Kubo, Toshimasa Itoh, Keiko Yamamoto, Shintaro Mise, Erika Goto, Harunobu Tsuzuki, Chisato Matsumura, et al. Enantioselective metabolism of chiral polychlorinated biphenyl 2,2',3,4,4',5',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl (CB183) by human and rat CYP2B subfamilies. Chemosphere. 2022. 308. Pt 2. 136349-136349
MISC (6):
山本恵子, 穴見康昭, 清水伸隆, 浴本亨, 江川大地, 伊藤俊将, 池口満徳. SAXS-MD解析を用いたビタミンD受容体のアポ型及びアンタゴニスト結合型構造の解析. 日本薬学会年会要旨集(CD-ROM). 2017. 137th
山本恵子, 斉藤智子, 伊藤俊将, 江川大地. 抗炎症メディエーター前駆体である17(S)-ヒドロキシドコサヘキサエン酸の簡便な合成法の確立. ビタミン. 2015. 89. 1
穴見康昭, 清水伸隆, 浴本亨, 江川大地, 伊藤俊将, 池口満徳, 山本恵子. X線小角散乱(SAXS)と分子動力学計算(MD)を組み合わせたSAXS-MD法によるビタミンD受容体リガンド結合領域の相関構造解析. 日本薬学会関東支部大会講演要旨集. 2015. 59th
穴見康昭, 江川大地, 伊藤俊将, 清水伸隆, 山本恵子. Bio-SAXSを用いた核内受容体の溶液構造の研究. 物構研サイエンスフェスタ要旨集. 2015. 3rd
江川大地, 伊藤俊将, 片岡沙織, 星野咲季, 穴見康昭, 加藤晃, 山本恵子. X線結晶構造解析を用いたビタミンD受容体とコアクチベーターペプチドの結合様式解明. ビタミン. 2015. 89. 4
Education (5):
- 1999 - 2002 Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences Graduate School of Pharmacy
- - 2002 Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science Graduate School, Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmacy
- 1997 - 1999 Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences Graduate School of Pharmacy
- 1993 - 1997 Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences School of Pharmacy School of Pharmacy
- - 1997 Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science Pharmacy
Professional career (1):
- Doctor (Pharmacy) (Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science)
Work history (6):
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本薬学会
, Japanese Society for Retinoid Research
, The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry
, The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
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