Research field (5):
Mechanics and mechatronics
, Robotics and intelligent systems
, Machine elements and tribology
, Design engineering
, Manufacturing and production engineering
Common Design Rules Empirically derived from Prototyping Micro-factories for Various Functional Requirements. Proc.of IWMF 2004 Microfactory(Internatinal Workshop on Microfactories). 2004. Vol.1,PP.1-6
FR-Based Scheduling Using the Independence Axiom for Shortening Lead Time of Mold Manufacturing. Proceeding of ICAD 2004(International Conference on Axiomatic Design). 2004
Common Design Rules Empirically derived from Prototyping Micro-factories for Various Functional Requirements. Proc.of IWMF 2004 Microfactory(Internatinal Workshop on Microfactories). 2004. Vol.1,PP.1-6