J-GLOBAL ID:200901020750954374
Update date: Jan. 17, 2024 Komatsu Hiroaki
コマツ ヒロアキ | Komatsu Hiroaki
- マルクスの基本定理-体制を超えた搾取. 阪南論集 社会科学編. 1999. 34. 3. 34-48
- Fundamental Marxian Theorem : Exploitation beyond Economic Systems. THE HANNAN RONSHU Social Science. 1999. 34. 3. 34-48
- クラウアーの逆説ー現金制的モデルにおける貨幣と利子ー. 経済学論叢(同志社大学). 1995. 46. 2. 156-179
- Clower's Paradox : Money and Interest in a Cash-in-Advance Economy. The Doshisha University Economic Revew. 1995. 46. 2. 156-179
- 自由参入の再考. 阪南論集 社会科学編. 1993. 28. 4. 199-210
- Reconsideration of Free Entry. THE HANNAN RONSHU Social Science. 1993. 28. 4. 199-210
- 埋没費用と参入障壁. 阪南論集 社会科学編. 1992. 28. 2. 85-99
- Sunk Cost and Entry Deterrence. THE HANNAN RONSHU Social Science. 1992. 28. 2. 85-99
- 製品差別化と独占. 経済学論叢(同志社大学). 1989. 40. 3
- Product Differentiation and Monopoly. The Doshisha University Economic Review. 1989. 40. 3
- 利子率の期間構造. 経済学論叢(同志社大学). 1988. 39. 4
- The Term Structure of Interest Rates. The Doshisha University Economic Review. 1988. 39. 4
- 資本の収益率とキャッシュ・イン・アドバンス・モデル. 経済学論叢(同志社大学). 1986. 38. 2
- 期間分析と連続分析. 経済学論叢(同志社大学). 1986. 37. 3-4
- Rate of Return and Capital Stock in A Cash-in-Advance Model. The Doshisha University Economic Review. 1986. 38. 2
- Period Analysis and Continuous Analysis. The Doshisha University Economic Review. 1986. 37. 3-4
- 資産均衡の定式化と貯蓄・投資. 経済学論叢(同志社大学). 1985. 36. 1
- On the Formulation of Asset Equilibrium with Saving and Investments. The Doshisha University Economic Review. 1985. 36. 1
- 自由参入の再考
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