J-GLOBAL ID:200901025902264613
Update date: Apr. 11, 2024 Ninomiya Katsumi
ニノミヤ カツミ | Ninomiya Katsumi
Affiliation and department: Research field (2):
Educational psychology
, Science education
Research keywords (2):
Education of Psychology
, moral and prosocial development
Research theme for competitive and other funds (13): - 2007 - 2010 Cross-cultural comparison of the developmental process of conflict management skills in early childhood.
- 2003 - 2006 The Development of Moral Educational Program in Japanese Kindergarten
- 2002 - 2005 Longitudinal Study on Risk and Protective Factors for Delinquent and Problem Behaviors of Junior High School Children.
- 2000 - 2002 The development of personal-moral judgments and orientations in family situations.
- 2000 - 2002 Children's formation of the life-style in the changing society : The development of personal-moral domain
- 1997 - 1999 The development of conceptions of adult authority and personal-entitlement
- 1986 - 1986 小学生・中学生の社会的ルールに対する意識の発達
- たくましい社会性と向社会的行動の発達に関する研究
- 青年の社会意識に関する研究
- 幼児・児童の道徳性・社会性の発達に関する研究
- Study on development of resilient sociability and prosocial behavior.
- Study on social consciousness in adolescents.
- Study on moral and social development in children.
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Papers (4): -
Yasuyo Nishino, Tatsuo Ujiie, Katsumi Ninomiya, Atsushi Igarashi, Hiromitsu Inoue, Chika Yamamoto. Longitudinal study of the relationship between victimization and later emotional problems among Japanese junior high school students. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research. 2011. 3. 2. 115-121
Nishino Yasuyo, Ujiie Tatsuo, Ninomiya Katsumi, Igarashi Atsushi, Inoue Hiromitsu, Yamamoto Chika. A longitudinal study of the trajectories of deviant behavior among junior high school students. The Japanese journal of psychology. 2009. 80. 1. 17-24
Ninomiya Katsumi. On Social Information Processing Model of Social Competence andSocial Knowledge. Bulletin of the School of Education. Psychology. 1997. 44. 25-28
NINOMIYA Katsumi, MUNEKATA Hisako. A REVIEW OF STUDIES ON PROSOCIAL MORAL JUDGEMENT. Bulletin of the Faculty of Education. The Department of Educational Psychology. 1985. 32. 215-231
MISC (56): -
Naoya Tabata, Hirotsune Sato, Katsumi Ninomiya. Comparison of Privacy Consciousness Between Younger and Older Adults. Japanese Psychological Research. 2021. 63. 2. 104-110
Naoya Tabata, Hirotsune Sato, Katsumi Ninomiya, Chika Yamamoto. Comparison of privacy consciousness between Japanese and Taiwanese. PsyCh Journal. 2018. 7. 4. 268-269
Hiroki Maruyama, Tatsuo Ujiie, Jiro Takai, Yuko Takahama, Hiroko Sakagami, Makoto Shibayama, Mayumi Fukumoto, Katsumi Ninomiya, Hyang Ah Park, Feng Xiaoxia, et al. Parent's behaviors and ways of thinking about children's' conflict management strategies in China, Japan, and South Korea. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY. 2016. 51. 330-330
Hiroki Maruyama, Tatsuo Ujiie, Jiro Takai, Yuko Takahama, Hiroko Sakagami, Makoto Shibayama, Mayumi Fukumoto, Katsumi Ninomiya, Park Hyang Ah, Xiaoxia Feng, et al. Cultural Difference in Conflict Management Strategies of Children and Its Development: Comparing 3- and 5-Year-Olds Across China, Japan, and Korea. Early Education and Development. 2015. 26. 8. 1210-1233
首藤敏元, 二宮克美. 子どもの道徳的発達の文脈としての母親の「個人の自律性」概念. 発達心理学研究. 2014. 25. 4. 356-366
more... Books (25): - The psychology of music: A very short introduction
2022 ISBN:9784571210426
- エッセンシャルズ心理学 : 心理学的素養の学び
福村出版 2021 ISBN:9784571200861
- 発達心理学
北大路書房 2017 ISBN:9784762829611
- ガイドライン学校教育心理学 : 教師としての資質を育む
ナカニシヤ出版 2016 ISBN:9784779510663
- ベーシック心理学
医歯薬出版 2016 ISBN:9784263422236
more... Works (3): -
2000 - 2003
2000 - 2003
2002 -
Education (4): - - 1980 Nagoya University
- - 1980 Nagoya University Graduate School, Division of Education
- - 1974 Nagoya University School of Education
- - 1974 Nagoya University Faculty of Education
Professional career (1): - Educational Doctor (Nagoya University)
Work history (11): - 2020/04 - 現在 Aichi Gakuin University Faculty of Policy Studies Department of Policy Studies
- 2006/04 - 2020/04 Aichi Gakuin University Faculty of Policy Studies Department of Policy Studies professor
- 1998/04 - 2006/03 Aichi Gakuin University
- 1995 - 1998 Aichi Gakuin University Division of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- 1995 - 1998 Aichigakuin University, Professor
- 1986 - 1995 Aichi Gakuin University Division of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- 1986 - 1995 Aichigakuin University, Associate Professor
- 1985 - 1986 Aichi Gakuin University Division of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- 1985 - 1986 Aichigakuin University, Assistant Professor
- 1980 - 1985 Nagoya University School of Education
- 1980 - 1985 Nagoya University, Research Assistant
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Committee career (3): - 2000 - 2003 東海心理学会 常任委員
- 2000 - 2001 日本発達心理学会 編集委員長
- 1995 - 日本青年心理学会 常任理事
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 東海心理学会
, 日本パーソナリティ心理学会(2003年10月より改称)
, 日本発達心理学会
, 日本心理学会
, 日本教育心理学会
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