J-GLOBAL ID:200901028737740684
Update date: Feb. 08, 2025 Kuwajima Hideki
クワジマ ヒデキ | Kuwajima Hideki
- Hideki KUWAJIMA. (Book Reviews / Introduction of New Books): Susumu KANATA, Kankyo wo Bigaku-suru (in English: Aesthification of Environment). BIGAKU(Aesthetics), edited by the Japanese Society for Aesthetics: ISSN 0520-0962. 2025. 256. 125-126
- Hideki KUWAJIMA. International Social Activities in Dublin, March 2024: The Report of My Visit in Universities(UCD and NUI, Maynooth etc.), Museums(MoLI, NGI etc.), and the Japanese Ambassadorial House. The Newsletter of the Hiroshima-Ireland Fellowship Association, No. 15 (July 2024). 2024. 15. 1-2
- Hideki KUWAJIMA. Article of Proceedings: The Sublime, Ornamental Design, and Yasushi INOUE and Ryotaro SHIBA: 3 Key-points for International Collaborative Research between Zhengzhou University and Hiroshima University in Humanities and Social Sciences. Proceedings: International Symposium ”Yellow River ’Heng-Hu’ Civilization and East Asia: Zhengzhou, China, 2024.05.26”, edited and published by School of Foreign Languages and Internatinal Relations at Zhengzhou University (General Editor: Jiyong GE). 2024. 76-87
- Hideki KUWAJIMA. Exhibition Review: The Beauty of Archipelago and Sunlight in the Seto Inland Sea, and the Female-inspired Collection: Shimose Art Museum and their Emile Galle Exhibition 2023. Journal for the Society for Arts and Anthropology: arts/, Vol. 40. 2024. 40. 152-155
- Hideki KUWAJIMA. Book Review: Jun IWAI and Ichiro MICHISHIGE (eds.), Fukugou-kokka Igirisu no Chiiki to Chutai (in Enbglish: Britain as Composite Nation: Areas and Bonds), Tokyo: Tosui-shobo, 2022. Studies in British Philosophy, the Journal of the Japanese Society for British Philosophy, No. 47. 2024. 47. 80-83
- Makoto IWASAKI. Interview Newspaper Article/ Editorilal: The Opinion by Makoto IWASAKI, Chief Editorial Writer at Chugoku Shimbun, "The 100th Anniversary of Birth of Ryotaro SHIBA: Why Did Not He Write about The A-Bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki".(Interviiewee: Hideki KUWAJIMA). Chugoku Shimbun, August 17, 2023. 2023. 5-5
- Hideki KUWAJIMA. Interview Article: "The Sustainable City Planning on Irish Aesthetics, Applied by Edmund Burke's Sublime”. Toyokeizai, Special Issue: Universities for SDGs, Vol. 5(ISBN: 9784492962237), August 2023, Tokyo: TOYO KEIZAI INC. 2023. 5. 53-53
- Hideki KUWAJIMA. Interview Article: Report of the Theatre After-Talk March 17, 2023 in Hiroshima about The Latest Irish Cinema, "The Banshees of Inisherin", 2022 (written and directed by Martin McDonagh). PR Magagine: HU-plus, Vol. 22, August 2023, edited and issued by Hiroshima University. 2023. 22. 17-17
- Hideki KUWAJIMA. Essay: "The Researcher of Aesthetics Can Not Really Discuss about 'War' and 'Peace' ?: The Potential Power of the Irish 'Negative-Positive' Inversion Aesthetics, Based on the Sublime". Annual Report of the Hiroshima-Ireland Friendship Association, No. 14. 2023. 14. 2-2
- Hideki KUWAJIMA. Report of Lecture at Hiroshima-Ireland Fellowship Association: Susumu KANATA (Professor Emeritus of Aesthetics, Hiroshima Univ.), "Is Cruel April ?: T. S. Eliot and An Irish Girl". "Annual Report of the Hiroshima-Ireland Friendship Association", No. 14, July 2023. 2023. 14. 2-2
- Hideki KUWAJIMA. Review: Handcrafted Paintings by “Grandma” Moses, or Nostalgia and MINGEI. arts/ , vol. 39, Journal of the Society for Arts and Anthropology. 2023. 39. 163-165
- Hideki KUWAJIMA. Abstract of the Symposium Report (Purpose Explanation and Keynote Presentation): "Chair's Introductory Talk: Beginning with the Human Body, the Feminine, and the Barbarous in Burke's Aesthetics", in: Symposium "The Views of the World, Civilization, and Humanity by Edmund Burke as An Irish in the 18th Century and Its Limits”. eire, Irish Studies, edited by the Japan-Ireland Society. 2023. 42. 75-77
- Hideki KUWAJIMA. Abstract of the Symposium Report: The Possibility of Adoption of Edmund Burke’s Aesthetics to the After-Covid 19 World, in: Symposium II: British Philosophical Enquiries for the Sustainability of Human Society and Its Communication During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic. Studies in British Philosophy, the Journal of the Japanese Society for British Philosophy, No. 46. 2023. 46. 97-99
- Hideki KUWAJIMA. Essay: Walking the Dublin 1904 with James Joyce: Relating to the 100th Anniversary of Ulysses. The 2022 Annual Report of the Hiroshima Ireland Fellowship. 2022. 13. 2-2
- Hideki KUWAJIMA. Article(Web):”He is also One of the Shibukawa High School Graduates”, Nov. 7(Hideki KUWAJIMA), The Alumni Association in Tokyo of Gumma Prefectural High School of Shibukawa HP. 2022
- Hideki KUWAJIMA. Annual Conference 2021 Report (March 2022): The 28th Conference of Japan-Ireland Society at Seijo University, Tokyo (Nov. 27-28, 2021/on-site). Japan-Ireland Society News(No.110). 2022. 10. 1-2
- Hideki KUWAJIMA. (Essay)"Rethinking of Ryotaro SHIBA’s The Tour to Ireland in his 《Kaido wo Yuku》". Annual Report of Hiroshima Ireland Fellowship, Vol. 12, July 2021. 2021. 12. 2-2
- Hideki KUWAJIMA. (Book Review)Sora Sato, Edmund Burke as Historian: War, Order and Civilisation. The East Asian Journal of British History (EAJBH), Vol. 8, April 2021. 2021. 8. 62-66
- Hideki KUWAJIMA. (Book Review) Yuko TANAKA, The Birth of A Public Intellectual: Jonathan Swift and his Time (in Japanese), Kyoto: Showado, March 2019. eire (Irish Studies), No. 40, edited by Japan-Ireland Society. 2021. 40. 105-110
- Hideki KUWAJIMA. The Future Landscape of Dublin: Relating to Trinity College's Promotion for Biodiversity City Planning in Ireland. Japan-Ireland Society News. 2020. 106. 3-3
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