YUASA, Hideo. To the Status of the Dative-Complement 'ni' in Japanese in terms of the Syntactic Valency -- From a Contrastive Viewpoint --. 会誌(阪神ドイツ語学研究会編). 2006. 18, 95-102
YUASA, Hideo. Book Review: Kawasaki, Y./ Nakamura, N. / Kataoka, Y. /Yuasa, H. (ed.): Aspekts of the German Linguistics - Festschrift for Prof. Yoshihiko Nishimoto -. ドイツ文学論攷(阪神ドイツ文学会編). 2004. 46, 111-113
YUASA, Hideo. Thoughts on the Relative Pronoun -An Outlook for the Analysis of the Verbal Complement of the Japanese and the German-. 会誌(阪神ドイツ語学研究会編). 2004. 16, 55-65
YUASA, Hideo. Ferdinand de Saussure (translated by Natsue Aihara and Rei Akitsu) : The Third Lectures on the General Linguistics, based on the Notes by Emile Constantin. 会誌(阪神ドイツ語学研究会編). 2003. 15, 153-161
YUASA, Hideo. Memorandam concerning the Case Hierarchy of the Japanese Language from the viewpoint of Honorific Expressions. 会誌(阪神ドイツ語学研究会編). 2003. 15, 107-116