YUASA HIDEO. "Ease of Understanding" and Actual Use in the Research into the Language--- Focus into the German Causative Construction with "lassen". Modern Times. 2018. 118. 1-25
YUASA HIDEO. An Inquiry into the "Narration" in the Modern Novels --- using the novel "Nigorie" by Ichiyo Higuchi. Modern Times. 2017. 116. 1-25
YUASA HIDEO. The Usage of the German Causative Constructions with inanimate subject and "lassen"ーusing examples of Thomas Manns "Doktor Faustus". Journal of Intercultural Studies. 2016. 47. 59-88
YUASA HIDEO. The Usage of the German Causative Constructions with human subject and "lassen" --using examples of Thomas Manns "Doktor Faaustus"--(Part 2). Journal of Intercultural Studies. 2015. 45. 89-116
YUASA HIDEO. How should "the Indirect Speech" of the Japanese language be defined? -using the examples of "Bocchan" by Soseki Natsume-. Modern Times. 2015. 113. 19-47
YUASA HIDEO. The Usage of the German Causative Constructions with human subject and "lassen" --using examples of Thomas Manns "Doktor Faustus"--(Part 1). Journal of Intercultural Studies. 2015. 44. 1-27
YUASA HIDEO. On the Translation of Turgenev's "Secret Meeting of Lovers" by Shimei Futabatei. Modern Times. 2013. 109. 35-67
YUASA HIDEO. On the Polite Expressions of the German Subjunctive Mood II. Journal of Intercultural Studies. 2013. 39. 61-88
Yuasa, Hideo. On the Core Feature for the Characteristics of Japanese Expressions. Modern Times. 2010. 第104号・pp21-45
Yuasa, Hideo. On the Unreal Usage of the Subjunctive Mood II ---a Relation between Unreality and Possibility---. Contributions to the Germanic Literature. 2010. 第39号・pp19-57
Yuasa, Hideo. On the Requiring and Concessive Usage of the Subjunctive Mood I ---a Relation between a Unreal, Propositional Content and Modalities---. ドイツ文学論集(神戸大学ドイツ文学論集刊行会編). 2009. 38, 1-34
Yuasa, Hideo. On the Indirect Speech, or the Function of the Subjunctive Mood I. ドイツ文学論集(神戸大学ドイツ文学論集刊行会編). 2008. 37, 35-55
Yuasa, Hideo. On "Existence" and "Occurrence" ---by means of the Construction "es+gibt+Noun in Accusative---. 会誌(阪神ドイツ語学研究会編). 2008. 20, 5-17
Yuasa, Hideo. On the Communicative Function of the Impersonal Construction --- concerning a Construction as "Es gab eine Zeit, wo ..." ---. ドイツ語を考える-ことばについての小論集-. 2008. 215-222
YUASA, Hideo. On the Japanese Case Particles from the Viewpoints of Valency-Theory and Pragmatics:How can we distinguish between the both Verbphrases "Itami-de oriru" and "Itami-ni oriru"?. ドイツ文学論集(神戸大学ドイツ文学論集刊行会編). 2007. 36, 55-70
YUASA, Hideo. On the Sentence Type of the German and the Japanese Language from the Viewpoint of the Adverbials_ with reference to the Constructions using Functional Verbs and to Onomatopoeia_. ドイツ文学論集(神戸大学ドイツ文学論集刊行会編). 2006. 35, 1-20
YUASA, Hideo. Stylistic Characters of "Manji" by Jun'ichiroo Tanizaki(2) -- Onomatopoeia and Words of Foreign Origin --. 近代(神戸大学「近代」発行会編). 2006. 96, 37-80
YUASA, Hideo. To the Analysis of the Constructions with a Functional Verb : Methodology and its Possibilities -- Toward the Analysis from a Communicative Viewpoint --. ドイツ文学論集(神戸大学ドイツ文学論集刊行会編). 2005. 34, 51-81
HIDEO, Yuasa. Stylistic Characters of "Manji" by Jun'ichiroo Tanizaki (1)--Osaka Dialect for a novelist who crossed the border--. 近代(神戸大学「近代」発行会編). 2005. 95, 149-181
YUASA, Hideo. Two Inquiries about Language Change: Grammatical Factors for the Creation of the Perfect Tense and Social Reception of Language Change. 会誌(阪神ドイツ語学研究会編). 2005. 17, 7-21