Unique preference for the specific foods in primate species based on the molecular properties of receptors (2023)
Roles of CaSR in the gum feeding behavior of common marmosets (The 19th International Symposium on Molecular and Neural Mechanisms of Taste and Olfactory Perception 2023)
The sensory ecology of food detection and selection by wild primates, roles of taste and olfaction. (The 10th international Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry. 2019)
Feeding behaviors of animals and sense of taste. (The 14th International Conference on Environmental Enrichment. 2019)
Functional diversification of primate taste receptors (The 17th International Symposium on Molecular and Neural Mechanisms of Taste and Olfactory Perception(ISMNTOP2018) 2018)
Functional and Behavioral Analysis of Primate Taste Receptors (plenary lecture in the 59th annual meeting and international symposium of Korean society of life science 2018)
霊長類の食嗜好と味覚受容体 (生理研研究会「第3回食欲・食嗜好の分子・神経基盤研究会」 2018)
Taste receptors and feeding behaviors as a target of molecular biology of primates (International symposium on Genomics and Cell Biology of Primates 2018)