J-GLOBAL ID:200901030918061260
Update date: Dec. 26, 2024 Sugiura Hideki
スギウラ ヒデキ | Sugiura Hideki
- Elio de Almeida Borghezan, Tiago Henrique da Silva Pires, Jansen Zuanon, Hideki Sugiura, Shiro Kohshima, Takushi Kishida. Unstable environmental conditions constrain the fine-tune between opsin sensitivity and underwater light in an Amazon forest stream fish. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 2024. 37. 2. 212-224
- Hideki Sugiura. 新型コロナウイルス感染症による屋久島、幸島での研究活動への影響. 霊長類研究. 2021
- 揚妻直樹, 揚妻(柳原)芳美, 杉浦秀樹. Increase and decline in the density index of Japanese sika deer (Cervus nippon) over 18 years in an evergreen broad-leaved forest with no hunting pressure in the Natural World Heritage Area of Yakushima, Japan. 保全生態学研究. 2021. 26. 1
- Hayakawa, Takashi, Sawada, Akiko, Tanabe, Akifumi S., Fukuda, Shinji, Kishida, Takushi, Kurihara, Yosuke, Matsushima, Kei, Liu, Jie, Akomo-Okoue, Etienne-Francois, Gravena, Waleska, et al. Improving the standards for gut microbiome analysis of fecal samples: insights from the field biology of Japanese macaques on Yakushima Island. PRIMATES. 2018. 59. 5. 423-436
- SUGIURA Hideki, AGETSUMA Naoki, AGETSUMA-YANAGIHARA Yoshimi, FUJITA Shiho, TANAKA Toshiaki, SUZUKI Mariko, AIBA Kana, KODA Hiroki, HARASAWA Makiko, MUROYAMA Yasuyuki, et al. Long-term observation of population density in wild Japanese macaques in Yakushima. Primate Research Supplement. 2018. 34. 57-57
- Hideki Sugiura. 『日本のシカ 増えすぎた個体群の科学と管理』 梶光一,飯島勇人 編 東京大学出版会 2017年8月刊 4600円(税別)(272ページ). 霊長類研究. 2017
- Sugiura Hideki. Study on mammals in zoos and aquariums. Honyurui Kagaku (Mammalian Science). 2015. 55. 1. 81-82
- SUGIURA Hideki. Comparison of density of Japanese macaques in between primary and secondary forests in low land on Yakushima Island. Primate Research Supplement. 2015. 31. 51-52
- Hideki Sugiura, Yukiko Shimooka, Yamato Tsuji. Japanese Macaques Depend not Only on Neighbours but also on More Distant Members for Group Cohesion. ETHOLOGY. 2014. 120. 1. 21-31
- Hideki Sugiura. 福島第一原子力発電所事故後3年を経た野生ニホンザルの保護,管理,研究の現状と課題. 霊長類研究. 2014. 30. 2. 227-250
- Hiroki Koda, Chisako Oyakawa, Santi Nurulkamilah, Rizaldi, Hideki Sugiura, Amsir Bakar, Nobuo Masataka. Male replacement and stability of territorial boundary in a group of agile gibbons (Hylobates agilis agilis) in West Sumatra, Indonesia. PRIMATES. 2012. 53. 4. 327-332
- Hideki Sugiura, Yukiko Shimooka, Yamato Tsuji. Variation in Spatial Cohesiveness in a Group of Japanese Macaques (Macaca fuscata). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY. 2011. 32. 6. 1348-1366
- Tsujino R., Yahara T., Tetsuka K., Sugiura H. Yakushima Island(From field research sites (19)). JAPANESE JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY. 2011. 61. 3. 341-348
- Mariko Suzuki, Hideki Sugiura. Effects of Proximity and Activity on Visual and Auditory Monitoring in Wild Japanese Macaques. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY. 2011. 73. 7. 623-631
- 杉浦秀樹. ヤクシマザルの長期研究. 生き物たちのつづれ織り. 2011. 5. 51-58
- 杉浦秀樹. [要修正] ゆっくりした波をみるには. 「屋久島ヒトメクリ」5 号:42. 2011
- Koda H, Sugiura H. The ecological design of the affiliative vocal communication style in wild Japanese macaques: behavioral adjustments to social contexts and environments. In The Japanese Macaques (N. Nakagawa. et al. eds.) Springer. 2010. 167-189
- Nakagawa N, Nakamichi M, Sugiura H. The Japanese Macaques. Primatology Monographs. Tokyo: Springer. 402 pages. 2010
- SUGIURA Hideki. A Report of the Public Symposium "Animal societies : approach from vocal communication" at the Annual Meeting of the Mammalogical Society of Japan (2008) : Let's try animal acoustics. Honyurui Kagaku (Mammalian Science). 2009. 49. 1. 117-120
- 揚妻直樹, 揚妻-柳原芳美, 杉浦秀樹, 辻野亮, 幸田良介. 屋久島西部地域における5 年間のシカ個体群動態. (2009) 屋久島西部地域における5 年間のシカ個体群動態. 「屋久島世界遺産地域における自然環境の動態把握と保全管理手法に関する調査報告書」 (編集 財団法人日本自然保護協会): 環境省九州地方環境事務所. 2009
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