J-GLOBAL ID:200901032268789135
Update date: Sep. 25, 2007
Koike Shigeki
コイケ シゲキ | Koike Shigeki
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Economic history
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
MISC (12):
遠洋航路補助法の制定と日本造船業(1)〜(5). 高崎経済大学論集. 1994. 37-41. 96
An Establishment of the Law to Support Ocean Regular Lines and the Japanese Shipbuilding Industry(1)-(5). THE ECONOMIC JOURNAL OF TAKASAKI CITY UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS. 1994. 37-41. 96
船岡海軍火薬廠の建設と排水路敷設問題. 高崎経済大学論集. 1993. 36. 1
On problems which arised in laying drainpipe lines, which formed part of building Funaoka Imperial Powder plant. THE ECONOMIC JOURNAL OF TAKASAKI CITY UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS. 1993. 36. 1
昭和十年代の日本造船業. 高崎経済大学附属産業研究所紀要. 1988. 30周年記念
Books (6):
『開発の断面』所収。(共著) 1996
On the introduction of new technology and technological development in the Building of the Imperial Naval Vssels in 1930's
Sections in the Development 1996
『高崎の産業と経済の歴史 (]G0002[)』(共著)所収 1987
On the Historical Development of the Electric Power Industry in Takasaki and Gumma
The History of Industries and Econmy in Takasaki 1987
『高崎の産業と経済の歴史』(共著)所収 1979
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (2):
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