J-GLOBAL ID:200901048569934398
Update date: Sep. 27, 2024 Tsunekane Masaki
ツネカネ マサキ | Tsunekane Masaki
- M. Tsunekane, T. Takahashi, N. Yoshimori, M. Nakajima. Fluorescence Imaging Technology for High-Power Laser Beam Profiling. OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2021), paper AW4M.3, CLEO: Applications and Technology 2021 San Jose, California United States 9-14 May 2021. 2021
- M. Tsunekane, K. Sato, T. Takahashi, S. Yoshino, N. Yoshimori, J. Ohno. Direct, real-time, high-resolution beam profiler for high-power laser. Proceedings Volume 11273, High-Power Laser Materials Processing: Applications, Diagnostics, and Systems IX; 1127307 (2020), SPIE LASE, 2020, San Francisco, California, United States. 2020
- Masaki Tsunekane, Takunori Taira. Direct Measurement of Temporal Transmission Distribution of a Saturable Absorber in a Passively Q-Switched Laser. IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS. 2016. 52. 5
- Weipeng Kong, Masaki Tsunekane, Takunori Taira. Diode edge-pumped passively Q-switched microchip laser. OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2015. 54. 9
- Masaki Tsunekane, Takunori Taira. Long time operation of composite ceramic Nd: YAG/Cr: YAG micro-chip lasers for ignition. Laser Ignition Conference, LIC 2015. 2015
- Masaki Tsunekane, Takunori Taira. High Peak Power, Passively Q-Switched Yb:YAG/Cr:YAG Micro-Lasers. IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS. 2013. 49. 5. 454-461
- Masaki Tsunekane, Takunori Taira. Compact and wide temperature acceptance of VCSEL-pumped micro-laser for laser ignition. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2013
- Masaki Tsunekane, Takunori Taira. High peak power micro-laser for ignition of automobile engines. Laser and Tera-Hertz Science and Technology, LTST 2012. 2012
- Masaki Tsunekane, Takunori Taira. High Peak Power Passively Q-switched Yb:YAG Micro-Lasers. 2012 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO). 2012
- Nicolaie Pavel, Masaki Tsunekane, Takunori Taira. Composite, all-ceramics, high-peak power Nd:YAG/Cr4+:YAG monolithic micro-laser with multiple-beam output for engine ignition. OPTICS EXPRESS. 2011. 19. 10. 9378-9384
- Masaki Tsunekane, Takunori Taira. Laser performance of composite Nd:YAG/Cr:YAG ceramics for laser ignition. 2011 Int. Quantum Electron. Conf., IQEC 2011 and Conf. Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO Pacific Rim 2011 Incorporating the Australasian Conf. Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy and the Australian Conf. 2011. 641-642
- N. Pavel, M. Tsunekane, T. Taira. Enhancing performances of a passively Q-switched Nd:YAG/Cr4+:YAG microlaser with a volume Bragg grating output coupler. OPTICS LETTERS. 2010. 35. 10. 1617-1619
- Masaki Tsunekane, Takayuki Inohara, Akihiro Ando, Naoki Kido, Kenji Kanehara, Takunori Taira. High Peak Power, Passively Q-switched Microlaser for Ignition of Engines. IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS. 2010. 46. 2. 277-284
- N. Pavel, M. Tsunekane, T. Taira. Passively Q-Switched Nd: YAG/Cr4+: YAG laser with a volume bragg gratings output coupler. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2010
- Masaki Tsunekane, Takunori Taira. Diode edge-pumped, composite ceramic Nd:YAG/Sm:YAG microchip lasers. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2010
- Masaki Tsunekane, Takunori Taira, Takayuki Inohara, Kenji Kanehara. Efficient ignition of a real automobile engine by a high brightness, passively Q-switched Cr: YAG/Nd: YAG micro-laser. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2010
- Nicolaie Pavel, Masaki Tsunekane, Takunori Taira. High Peak-Power Passively Q-switched All-Ceramics Nd:YAG/Cr(4)(+):YAG Lasers. ROMOPTO 2009: NINTH CONFERENCE ON OPTICS: MICRO- TO NANOPHOTONICS II. 2010. 7469
- N. Pavel, M. Tsunekane, T. Taira. Diode-Pumped Passively Q-Switched Nd:YAG/Cr4+:YAG Micro-Laser Controlled by Volume Bragg Gratings. 2010 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO) AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS AND LASER SCIENCE CONFERENCE (QELS). 2010
- M. Tsunekane, T. Taira. High temperature operation of passively Q-switched, Cr:YAG/Nd:YAG micro-laser for ignition of engines. CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2009 - European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the European Quantum Electronics Conference. 2009
- Masaki Tsunekane, Takunori Taira. Temperature and Polarization Dependences of Cr:YAG Transmission for Passive Q-switching. 2009 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS AND LASER SCIENCE CONFERENCE (CLEO/QELS 2009), VOLS 1-5. 2009. 2911-+
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