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J-GLOBAL ID:200901049223859140 Update date: Dec. 07, 2005

Ishiguro Kazunori

イシグロ カズノリ | Ishiguro Kazunori

MISC (12)

  • 'How to resolve international conflicts?'. http://droit-internet-2001.univ-paris1.fr/pdf/ve/Ishiguro_K.pdf. 2001
  • 'Technology Transfer from Iowa to Japan: Internationalization and the Quality of Life in Rural Areas', in J.S. Jun/D.S. Wright(eds.), Globalization and Decentralization. Georgetown Univ. Press. 1999. pp.347ff
  • 'The 1999 Report on the WTO Consistency of Trade Policies by Major Trading Partners--A Comparison with the 'Japan' Section of the 1999 U.S. National Trade Estimate Report'. Journal of Japanese Trade & Industry. 1999. July. August 1999. pp.21ff
  • 'The WTO New Round and Japan's Role'. Japan Review of International Affairs. 1999. Volume 13 Number 4, Winter 1999, pp.231ff
  • Paper submitted to the ITU Experts Meeting on Electronic Signatures and Certification Authorities. http://www.itu.int/osg/sec/spu/ni/esca/meetingdec9-101999/index.html. 1999
  • An Interview: 'International Relations as Electronic Warfare'. Telecom Tribune. 1998. Vol. 12, No.10
  • 'Beyond the Framework Talks--Restoring Kennedy's Spirit to America'. KKC Forum. 1996. No. 6, pp.1ff
  • An Interview: 'Accord sets new approach to trade rows: Japan, U.S. to cooperate in multilateral chip trade'. The Japan Times. 1996. August 4, 1996
  • 'Put Principles Before Appeasement in Trade Talks'. KKC Forum. 1995. No.1, pp.6ff
  • 'U.S. playing loose with numbers in trade dispute'. The Nikkei Weekly. 1994. Oct. 10, 1994
  • "A Warning Concerning The Emerging Borderless Economy(22)〜(150)". Trade Journal. 1993
  • ボーダーレス・エコノミーへの法的視座. 貿易と関税(〔財〕日本関税協会). 1991年7月号~2004年11月号で第161回:継続中

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