Central and North Europe Asakura Publishing Co. Ltd. 2014 ISBN:9784254167993
The Dictionary of Human Geography Maruzen Publishing Co. Ltd. 2013 ISBN:9784621086872
The Results and Issues of Economic Gepgraphy: Series 7 Nihon Keizai Hyouronsha Ltd. 2010 ISBN:9784818820968
The spatial experiences and recognitions of Toshimichi Okubo and the development of the national land making policy in the first phase of modern Japan Kyoto University Press(京都大学学術出版会)(Kinda,A. et al.(eds.) "Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of Historical Geographers, Kyoto 2009", pp.183-184) 2010 ISBN:9784876989614
The spatial experiences and recognitions of Toshimichi Okubo and the development of the national land making policy in the first phase of modern Japan Kyoto University Press (In "Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of Historical Geographers"(Kinda, A. et al.(eds.)), pp.183-184) 2010 ISBN:9784876989614
Modern Historical Geographical Thought of Spatial Recognitions by the Governmental Authorities in Modern Japan Hiroshi Yamane 2009
The provincial city maps in Japanese modern times: Toyama and Kanazawa (Kindai Chiho Toshizu no Tenkai: Toyama Kanazawa no Minkan Chizu) Nakanishiya Press (In "Kindai Nippon no Shikakuteki Keiken(The Visual Experiences in Modern Japan)") 2008 ISBN:9784779502798
The Making of Regions in Modern Japan: Historical-Geographical Approaches (Kindai Nihon no Chiiki Keisei: Rekishi Chirigaku karano Approach) Kaiseisha Press 2007 ISBN:9784860992330