Robot Teaching by multi-finger Force Display in VR enuinonment
Robot Analysis System Based on Computer Algebra
Study on Anthropomorphic Robot Hand
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Papers (65):
Haruhisa Kawasaki, Tetuya Mouri, Satoshi Ueki, Toshitake Yanagawa, Haruo Nagayama. Estimation of Obstacle Contact Force and Position for Robots in Task Space. Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Control. 2019
Haruhisa Kawasaki, Mouri Tetuya, Toshitake Yanagawa, Haruo Nagayama. Optimization of Chainsaw Setting Angle in Pruning Robot. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2019. 472. 1
Tetsuya Mouri, Hibiki Yamamura, Haruhisa Kawasaki. Visual Support System for Tele-operated Hand Robot. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems, CBS 2018. 2019. 435-439
Haruhisa Kawasaki, Tetsuya Mouri. Humanoid robot hand and its applied research. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics. 2019. 31. 1. 16-26
FUJI Yuta, MOURI Tetsuya, KAWASAKI Haruhisa. 1P2-N04 Tele-presentation of Stiffness Using Humanoid Hand Robot and Haptic Interface. 2015. 2015. "1P2-N04(1)"-"1P2-N04(2)"
2007 - 2009 IFAC National Organization Chairman of SYROCO2009
2001 - 2005 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会 理事
1995 - 1998 計測自動制御学会 中部支部役員,事業委員会委員,理事
1994 - 1995 日本ロボット学会 評議員
Awards (17):
2015 - 日本機械学学会 教育賞 ロボット分野の教育図書の出版
2013 - IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics Best Paper Award for 2013 Development of a Hand-Assist Robot With Multi-Degrees-of-Freedom for Rehabilitation Therapy
2006 - Best Paper Award for the paper titled Toward Next Stage of Kinematic Humanoid Hand, 2004 Sville, Spain at Sixth Bianual World Automation Congress (WAC 2006)