Kato Yoshiko, Kazumi Nagano, Chenghong Hu, Tomoyuki Furuyashiki. Relationship between dairy product intake and sense of coherence among middle and high school students in Japan. PLOS ONE. 2022. 17. 12. e0279232-e0279232
Yoshiko Kato, Ami Kojima, Chenghong Hu. Relationships Between IKIGAI Well-Being and Motivation for Autonomous Regulation of Eating and Exercise for Health - Included the Relevance Between Sense of Coherence and Social Support. International journal of behavioral medicine. 2022
Yoshiko Kato, Chenghong Hu, Yiran Wang, Ami Kojima. Psychometric validity of the motivation for healthy eating scale (MHES), short version in Japanese. Current Psychology. 2021
Yoshiko Kato, Yukari Shimomura, Yoshihiro Takada, Tomoyuki Furuyashiki. Correlation between lactic acid bacteria beverage intake and stress resilience. Kobe Journal of Medical Science. 2021. 67. 1. E1-E6
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KATO Yoshiko. The Relationship between Sense of Coherence, Stress, Body Image Satisfaction and Eating Behavior in Japanese and Austrian Students. Psych. 2019. 1. 1. 504-514