J-GLOBAL ID:200901068602145605   Update date: Dec. 26, 2022

Kasetani Taisuke

カセタニ タイスケ | Kasetani Taisuke
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (2): http://www.shokuken.or.jp/index.htmlhttps://www.shokuken.or.jp/en/
Research field  (2): Horticulture ,  Plant genetics and breeding
Research keywords  (4): 食用きのこの育種 ,  食用きのこの栽培 ,  Breeding of edible mushrooms ,  Cultivation of edible mushrooms
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (6):
  • 食用きのこの栽培化
  • 食品産業廃棄物による食用きのこの生産
  • 食用きのこの育種
  • Storage of mushrooms' culture
  • Production of edible mushrooms with waste from Food Processing manufactur
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MISC (8):
Patents (12):
Lectures and oral presentations  (4):
  • ヒト刺咬性ダニの検出、識別を目的としたDNAマイクロアレイ
    (日本農芸化学会 2009年度大会(福岡県福岡市) 2009)
  • 文化財を劣化させる真菌の検出・識別用DNAマクロアレイ
    (日本防菌防黴学会 第36回年次大会(大阪府豊中市) 2009)
  • DNA microarray to detect and discriminate the fungi deteriorating cultural properties
    (Annual meeting of the society for antibacterial and antifungal agents, Japan 2009 2009)
  • DNA microarray to detect and identify two species of biting mite, Ornithonyssus bacoti (Hirst) and Chelacaropsis moorei Baker
    (Annual meeting of Japan society for bioscience, biotechnology and agrochemistry 2009 2009)
Education (2):
  • - 1986 Osaka Prefecture University
  • - 1986 Osaka Prefecture University Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (1):
  • (BLANK)
Association Membership(s) (3):
Kanto Branch of The Mycological Society of Japan ,  日本応用きのこ学会 ,  日本菌学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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