J-GLOBAL ID:200901072995336722
Update date: Feb. 02, 2011 Ohso Mieko
オオソ ミエコ | Ohso Mieko
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Professor,Professor Emeritus (Nagoya University)
Research field (4):
Education - general
, Japanese language education
, Japanese linguistics
, Linguistics
Research keywords (12):
, 日本語学
, コーパス
, 話しことば
, 文法
, 現代日本語
, Teaching of Japanese as a Foreign Language
, Japanese Linguistics
, corpora
, spoken Japnese
, Gremmar
, Modern Japanese
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10): - 日本語学習者のための英和辞典
- 英語母語話者の日本語誤用分析
- 話しことばの文法
- コーパス利用の日本語文法・語法研究
- 現代日本語話しことばの文法・語法
- English-Japanese Dictionary for Learners of Japanese.
- Error Analysis of Japanese Learners with English Background
- Grammar of Spoken Japanese
- Study of Japanese Grammar based on Corpora
- Grammar of Contenporary Spoken Japanese
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MISC (58): -
大曾美惠子. コーパスに見られる格助詞の運用実態. 姫路獨協大学外国語学部紀要. 2007. 20. 121/134
大曾美惠子. 日本語コーパスと日本語教育. 日本語教育. 2006. 130. 3/10
大曾美惠子. 終助詞の意味・機能と使用実態ーコーパスに基づく考察ー. 日語教育. 2005. 第三十四. 3/24
コーパスによるコロケーションの特定. レキシコンフォーラム. 2005. No.1
終助詞「よ」「ね」「よね」再考ー雑談コーパスに基づく考察ー. 言語教育の新展開:牧野成一教授古稀記念論集. 2005
more... Books (4): - 日常日本語バイリンガル辞典(共編著)
- Kodansha's Basic English Japanese Dictionary
- 外来語の形成とその教育(共著)
国立国語研究所 1990
- Formation and Teaching of Loan Words
National Language Research Institute 1990
Lectures and oral presentations (1): -
(日本語教育学世界大会2008 2008)
Works (5): -
2005 - 2007
2001 - 2004
Study of Collocations based on corpora for compilinga learners' dictionary of Japanese
2001 - 2004
1996 - 1999
Compilatin of corpus of compositions by learners of Japanese
1996 - 1999
Education (4): - - 1976 The Ohio State University
- - 1976 The Ohio State University Dept. of Linguistics Linguistics
- - 1964 International Christian University College of Liberal Arts Division of Languages
- - 1964 International Christian University Faculty of Liberal Arts Division of Languages
Professional career (3): - ph. D (The Ohio State University (U. S. A.))
- MA. (The Ohio State University (U. S. A.))
Work history (14): - 1994 - 2004 名古屋大学言語文化部・国際言語文化研究科 教授
- 1994 - 2004 Professor, Graduate School of Languages and Cultures,
- 1984 - 1994 Kansai Gaidai University Asian Studies Program
- 1984 - 1994 Assistant Prof. Prof. Center for International
- 1979 - 1984 アデレード大学アジア研究センター 講師
- 1979 - 1984 Lecture, Centre for Asian Studies, University
- 1975 - 1979 Instructor, Assistant Professor. College of
- 1968 - 1969 International Christian University College of Liberal Arts
- 1968 - 1968 Assistant College of Liberal Arts ICU
- アーラム大学教養学部 講師・助教授
- Nagoya University
- Educations Kansai Gaidai Univ.
- of Adelaide
- Liberal Arts. Earlham College
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Committee career (1): Association Membership(s) (6):
, Linguistic Society of America
, アメリカ言語学会
, 日本語教育学会
, Linguistic Society of America
, The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language
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